< 2 Samuelova 16 >

1 A když David sešel maličko s vrchu, aj Síba služebník Mifibozetův vyšel proti němu se dvěma osly osedlanými, na nichž nesl dvě stě chlebů, a sto hroznů suchých, a sto hrud fíků, a nádobu vína.
When David [and the others] had gone a little way past the top of the hill, Mephibosheth’s servant Ziba met him. He had with him two donkeys that were carrying 200 loaves of bread, 100 bunches/clusters of raisins, 100 bunches of fresh fruit, and a leather bag full of wine.
2 I řekl král Síbovi: K čemu jsou tyto věci? Odpověděl Síba: Oslové pro čeled královskou k jízdě, chléb pak a fíky, aby jedli služebníci, a víno, aby se napil, kdož by ustal na poušti.
The king said to Ziba, “What are these for?” Ziba replied, “The donkeys are for your family to ride on, the bread and the fruit are for your soldiers to eat, and the wine is for them to drink when they become exhausted in the desert.”
3 Opět král řekl: Kdež jest pak syn pána tvého? Odpověděl Síba králi: Aj, zůstal v Jeruzalémě, nebo řekl: Dnes navrátí mi dům Izraelský království otce mého.
The king said, “Where is Mephibosheth, the grandson of your [former] master [Saul]?” Ziba [deceived David by] saying, “He stayed in Jerusalem, because he thinks that now the Israeli people will allow him to rule the kingdom that his grandfather Saul ruled.”
4 Řekl ještě král Síbovi: Aj, tvéť jsou všecky věci, kteréž má Mifibozet. Jemuž řekl Síba s poklonou: Nechať vždycky tak nalézám milost před očima tvýma, pane můj králi.
The king said to Ziba, “Okay, everything that belonged to Mephibosheth is now yours.” Ziba replied, “Your Majesty, I will humbly serve you; and I desire/hope that you will always be pleased with me.”
5 Tedy bral se král David do Bahurim, a aj, vyšel odtud muž z čeledi domu Saulova, jehož jméno bylo Semei, syn Gerův, kterýžto vždy jda, zlořečil.
When King David [and those with him] arrived at Bahurim [town], a man named Shimei met him. Shimei, whose father was Gera, was one of Saul’s relatives. Shimei was cursing David as he approached.
6 Ano i kamením házel na Davida, a na všecky služebníky krále Davida, ačkoli všecken lid a všickni udatní byli po pravici jeho i po levici jeho.
Then he threw stones at David and his officials, even though the officials and David’s bodyguards surrounded David.
7 A takto mluvil Semei, když mu zlořečil: Vyjdi, vyjdi, vražedlníče a nešlechetníče.
Shimei cursed David and said to him, “Get out of here, you murderer, you scoundrel!
8 Obrátilť jest na tebe Hospodin všelikou krev domu Saulova, na jehož jsi místě kraloval, a dal Hospodin království v ruku Absolona syna tvého. A aj, již se vidíš v svém neštěstí, nebo jsi vražedlník.
Yahweh is (getting revenge on/punishing) you all for murdering [MTY] many people in Saul’s family. And now he is giving Saul’s kingdom to your son Absalom. You murderer, you are being paid back for the many people that you have killed/murdered [MTY]!”
9 I řekl Abizai syn Sarvie králi: I proč zlořečí tento mrtvý pes pánu mému králi? Nechť jdu medle a setnu mu hlavu.
Then Abishai said to the king, “Your Majesty, this man is [as worthless as] [MET] a dead dog! (Why should he be allowed to curse you?/He should not be allowed to curse you.) [RHQ] Allow me to go over there and cut off his head!”
10 Ale král řekl: Co vám do toho, synové Sarvie, že zlořečí? Poněvadž Hospodin jemu rozkázal: Zlořeč Davidovi, i kdož by směl říci: Proč tak činíš?
But the king replied, “You two sons of Zeruiah, (do not tell me what to do/this does not concern you) [RHQ]. If he is cursing me because Yahweh told him to do that, certainly no one should say ‘(Why are you doing that?/You should not be doing that.) [RHQ]’”
11 Řekl ještě David k Abizai i ke všechněm služebníkům svým: Aj, syn můj, kterýž pošel z života mého, hledá bezživotí mého, čím více nyní tento syn Jemini? Nechte ho, ať zlořečí, nebo jemu rozkázal Hospodin.
Then David said to Abishai and to all his officials, “You know that my own son is trying to kill me. So [it is not surprising that] this man from the tribe of Benjamin is also trying to kill me. So ignore him, and allow him to curse me, because [perhaps he thinks that] Yahweh told him to do that.
12 Snad popatří Hospodin na ssoužení mé, a odplatí mi Hospodin dobrým za zlořečenství jeho dnes.
Perhaps Yahweh will see that I am having all this trouble, and [some day he will repay me by] (blessing/doing good things for) me in return for this man cursing me today.”
13 A tak šel David a muži jeho cestou. Semei také šel po stráni hory naproti němu, a jda, zlořečil a házel kamením proti němu a zmítal prachem.
Then David and those who were with him walked along the road, and Shimei continued walking along the hillside near him. While he walked along, he cursed David and threw stones and dirt at him.
14 I přišel král a všecken lid, kterýž byl s ním, ustalý, a odpočinul tu.
When David and those who were with him arrived at the Jordan [River], they were very tired. So they rested there.
15 Absolon pak i všecken lid Izraelský přišli do Jeruzaléma, a Achitofel s ním.
While that was happening, Absalom and all the Israeli people who were with him had arrived in Jerusalem. Ahithophel had also arrived there.
16 A když přišel Chusai Architský, přítel Davidův k Absolonovi, řekl Chusai Absolonovi: Živ buď král, živ buď král.
When David’s friend Hushai came to Absalom, he said to Absalom, “I desire/hope that the king will live a long time! May you live for many years!”
17 Tedy řekl Absolon k Chusai: Toliž jest vděčnost tvá k příteli tvému? Pročež jsi nešel s přítelem svým?
Absalom said to Hushai, “You have been loyal [RHQ] to your friend [David for a long time]. So why did you not go with him [instead of coming to me]?”
18 Odpověděl Chusai Absolonovi: Nikoli, ale kohož vyvolil Hospodin a lid tento i všickni muži Izraelští, toho budu a s tím zůstanu.
Hushai replied, “I will serve the one whom Yahweh and these people and all the other people of Israel have chosen [to be their king]. So I will stay with you.
19 Přesto komuž bych já sloužiti měl? Zdali ne synu jeho? Jakož jsem sloužil otci tvému, tak sloužiti budu tobě.
You are my master [King David’s] son; if I do not serve you, what other man should I serve [RHQ]? I will serve you as I served your father.”
20 Řekl pak Absolon Achitofelovi: Raďtež, co máme činiti?
Then Absalom said to Ahithophel, “What do you advise that we should do?”
21 Odpověděl Achitofel Absolonovi: Vejdi k ženinám otce svého, kterýchž zanechal, aby hlídaly doma. I uslyší všecken Izrael, žes se zošklivil otci svému, a zsilí se ruce všech, kteříž jsou s tebou.
Ahithophel replied, “Your father left some of his slave wives in the palace to take care of it. Have sex [EUP] with them. When everyone in Israel hears that you have done that, they will realize that you are acting very contemptuously toward your father. Then all those who are with you will be very encouraged.”
22 A protož rozbili Absolonovi stan na paláci. I všel Absolon k ženinám otce svého před očima všeho Izraele.
So they set up a tent for Absalom on the roof [of the palace]. And Absalom went into the tent and had sex [EUP] with his father’s slave wives, [one by one, ] and everyone [HYP] could see [him going into the tent].
23 Rada pak Achitofelova, kterouž dával toho času, byla, jako by se kdo doptával na řeč Boží. Taková byla každá rada Achitofelova, jakož u Davida tak u Absolona.
In those days, people accepted what Ahithophel recommended as though he were speaking the words of God. So just as David had always accepted what Ahithophel said, now Absalom did also.

< 2 Samuelova 16 >