< 2 Královská 14 >

1 Léta druhého Joasa syna Joachaza, krále Izraelského, kraloval Amaziáš syn Joasa, krále Judského.
After Jehoash had been ruling Israel for almost two years, Joash’s son Amaziah became the king of Judah.
2 V pětmecítma letech byl, když počal kralovati, a kraloval dvadceti devět let v Jeruzalémě. Jméno matky jeho Joadan z Jeruzaléma.
He was 25 years old when he started to rule, and he ruled in Jerusalem for 29 years. His mother was Jehoaddin; she was from Jerusalem.
3 Ten činil to, což dobrého jest před očima Hospodinovýma, ačkoli ne tak jako David otec jeho. Všecko, což činil Joas otec jeho, tak činil.
Amaziah did many things that pleased Yahweh, but he did not do as many things that pleased Yahweh as King David had done. He did some of the good things that his father Joash had done.
4 A však výsostí nezkazili, ještě lid obětoval a kadil na výsostech.
But, [like his father, ] he did not tear down the places for worshipping Yahweh at pagan shrines. The people continued to burn incense [to honor Yahweh] on those hills [instead of in Jerusalem, the place that Yahweh had appointed].
5 I stalo se, když upevněno bylo království v ruce jeho, že pobil služebníky své, kteříž byli zabili krále otce jeho.
As soon as he was completely in control of his kingdom, he caused to be executed the officials who had murdered his father.
6 Synů pak těch vražedlníků nepobil, jakož jest psáno v knize zákona Mojžíšova, kdež přikázal Hospodin, řka: Nebudouť na hrdle trestáni otcové za syny, aniž synové trestáni budou na hrdle za otce, ale jeden každý za svůj hřích umře.
But he did not execute their children. He obeyed what was written in the laws that God gave to Moses: “Parents must not be executed for [the crimes/sins committed by] their children, and children must not be executed for [crimes/sins committed by] their parents. People must be executed only for the sins that they themselves [have committed].”
7 On také porazil Idumejských v údolí solnatém deset tisíců, a dobyl Sela bojem. I nazval jméno jeho Jektehel až do tohoto dne.
Amaziah’s soldiers killed 10,000 soldiers of the Edom people-group in the Salt Valley [south of the Dead Sea], and they captured Sela [city] and gave it a new name, Joktheel. That is still its name.
8 Tedy poslal Amaziáš posly k Joasovi synu Joachaza, syna Jéhu krále Izraelského, řka: Nuže, pohleďme sobě v oči.
Then Amaziah sent messengers to King Jehoash of Israel, saying “Come here and let’s talk together.”
9 Zase poslal Joas král Izraelský k Amaziášovi králi Judskému a řekl: Bodlák, kterýž byl na Libánu, poslal k cedru Libánskému, řka: Dej dceru svou synu mému za manželku. V tom šlo tudy zvíře polní, kteréž bylo na Libánu, a pošlapalo ten bodlák.
But King Jehoash replied to King Amaziah: “Once a thornbush growing [in the mountains] in Lebanon sent a message to a cedar tree, saying, ‘Give your daughter to my son in order that he may marry her.’ But a wild animal in Lebanon passed by the thornbush and trampled it.
10 Že jsi mocně porazil Idumejské, protož pozdvihlo tě srdce tvé. Chlub se a seď v domě svém. I proč se máš plésti v neštěstí, abys padl ty i Juda s tebou?
[The meaning of what I am saying is that] your army has defeated the army of Edom, so now you have become very proud. But you should be content with defeating the people of Edom, and allow your soldiers to stay at home. If you cause trouble [by fighting against] us, you will surely [RHQ] cause a disaster to happen to you and to your people.”
11 Ale Amaziáš neuposlechl. Protož vytáhl Joas král Izraelský, a pohleděli sobě v oči, on s Amaziášem králem Judským u Betsemes Judova.
But Amaziah refused to heed Jehoash’s message. So he marched with his army to fight against the Israeli army at Beth-Shemesh [city] in Judah.
12 I poražen jest Juda od Izraele, a utíkali jeden každý do příbytků svých.
The Israeli army defeated the army of Judah, and all the soldiers of Judah fled and ran back home.
13 Amaziáše pak krále Judského, syna Joasa syna Ochoziášova, jal Joas král Izraelský u Betsemes, a přitáh do Jeruzaléma, zbořil zed Jeruzalémskou, od brány Efraim až k bráně úhlu, na čtyři sta loktů.
Jehoash’s army also captured King Amaziah there, and they also marched to Jerusalem and tore down the wall that was around the city, from the Ephraim Gate to the Corner Gate. That was a section that was about (200 yards/180 meters) long.
14 A pobral všecko zlato i stříbro, a všecky nádoby, kteréž se nalézaly v domě Hospodinově a v pokladích domu královského, také i mládence zastavené, a navrátil se do Samaří.
Jehoash’s soldiers seized all the gold and silver that they found, and all the utensils that were in the temple, and all the valuable things that were in the palace, and took them to Samaria. They also took to Samaria some prisoners whom they had captured.
15 O jiných pak činech Joasa, kteréž činil, i síle jeho, a kterak bojoval proti Amaziášovi králi Judskému, psáno jest v knize o králích Izraelských.
[If you want to know about] all the other things that Jehoash did when he was king, including when he [and his army] fought against [the army of] King Amaziah of Judah, they are written in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Israel’.
16 I usnul Joas s otci svými, a pochován jest v Samaří s králi Izraelskými, i kraloval Jeroboám syn jeho místo něho.
Jehoash died [EUP], and he was buried in Samaria, where the other kings of Israel had been buried. Then his son Jeroboam became the king.
17 Živ pak byl Amaziáš syn Joasův, král Judský, po smrti Joasa syna Joachaza, krále Izraelského, patnácte let.
Amaziah, the king of Judah, lived for 15 more years after Jehoash, the king of Israel, died.
18 O jiných pak věcech Amaziášových psáno jest v knize o králích Judských.
[If you want to know more about] everything else that Amaziah did, it is written [RHQ] in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Judah’.
19 Potom spuntovali se proti němu v Jeruzalémě, a on utekl do Lachis. Protož poslali za ním do Lachis, a zamordovali ho tam.
Some people in Jerusalem plotted against Amaziah, so he fled to Lachish [city]. But they followed him there and killed him.
20 Odkudž odnesli jej na koních, a pochován jest v Jeruzalémě s otci svými v městě Davidově.
They took his corpse back to Jerusalem and buried it where his ancestors had been buried, in [the part of Jerusalem called] ‘The City of David’.
21 Tedy všecken lid Judský vzali Azariáše, kterýž byl v šestnácti letech, a ustanovili ho za krále na místě otce jeho Amaziáše.
Then all the people of Judah appointed Amaziah’s son Uzziah, when he was 16 years old, to be their king
22 Onť jest vzdělal Elat a dobyl ho Judovi, když byl již usnul král s otci svými.
After his father died, Uzziah’s workers captured Elath [city], and it came under the control of Judah again.
23 Léta patnáctého Amaziáše syna Joasa, krále Judského, kraloval Jeroboám syn Joasa, krále Izraelského, v Samaří čtyřidceti a jedno léto.
When Amaziah had been ruling Judah for almost 15 years, Jeroboam became the king of Israel. He ruled in Samaria [city] for 41 years.
24 A činil to, což jest zlého před očima Hospodinovýma, neuchýliv se od žádných hříchů Jeroboáma syna Nebatova, kterýž k hřešení přivedl Izraele.
He did many things that Yahweh considered to be evil. He did not stop committing the same kind of sins that Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, committed, sins which led the Israeli people to sin also.
25 On zase dobyl končin Izraelských od toho místa, kudy se jde do Emat, až k moři pustému, vedlé řeči Hospodina Boha Izraelského, kterouž byl mluvil skrze služebníka svého Jonáše syna Amaty proroka, kterýž byl z Gethefer.
His soldiers conquered again some of the territory that had previously belonged to Israel, from Hamath [city] in the north to the Dead Sea in the south. That is what Yahweh, the God whom the Israelis worshiped, promised the prophet Jonah, the son of Amittai, from Gath-Hepher [town], would happen.
26 Nebo viděl Hospodin trápení Izraele těžké náramně, a že jakož zajatý, tak i zanechaný s nic býti nemůže, aniž jest, kdo by spomohl Izraelovi.
That happened because Yahweh saw that [the Israelis’ enemies were causing] the Israelis [to] suffer very much. And there was absolutely no one [IDM] who would help them.
27 A nemluvil Hospodin, že by chtěl zahladiti jméno Izraele, aby ho nebylo pod nebem; protož vysvobodil je skrze Jeroboáma syna Joasova.
But Yahweh said that he would not destroy Israel completely, so he enabled King Jeroboam to rescue them.
28 O jiných pak věcech Jeroboámových, a cožkoli činil, i o síle jeho, a kterak bojoval, jak zase dobyl Damašku a Emat Judova Izraelovi, psáno jest v knize o králích Izraelských.
[If you want to know more about] everything else that Jeroboam did, [about] his fighting courageously in battles, and [about] his [enabling the Israelis to] capture again Damascus and Hamath [cities], they are written [RHQ] in the scroll called ‘The History of the Kings of Israel’.
29 I usnul Jeroboám s otci svými, s králi Izraelskými, a kraloval Zachariáš syn jeho místo něho.
Jeroboam died [EUP], [and was buried] where the other kings of Israel [were buried], and his son Zechariah became the king.

< 2 Královská 14 >