< Žalmy 80 >

1 Přednímu z kantorů na šošannim, žalm svědectví, Azafovi. Ó pastýři Izraelský, pozoruj, kterýž vodíš Jozefa jako stádo, kterýž sedíš nad cherubíny, ó zastkvějž se.
[Yahweh], you [who lead us like] a shepherd leads his flock [of sheep], listen to us Israeli people. You sit on your throne [in the Very Holy Place in the temple], above the [carvings of] winged creatures.
2 Před Efraimem, Beniaminem a Manasse vzbuď moc svou, a přispěj k spasení našemu.
Show yourself to [the people of the tribes of] Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh! Show us that you are powerful and come and rescue us!
3 Ó Bože, navrať nás, a dejž, ať nám svítí oblíčej tvůj, a spaseni budeme.
God, cause our nation to be strong like it was before; be kind to us [IDM] in order that we may be saved [from our enemies.]
4 Hospodine Bože zástupů, dokudž se přísně stavěti budeš k modlitbám lidu svého?
Yahweh, you who are the commander of the armies of heaven, how long will you be angry with us, your people, when we pray to you?
5 Nakrmil jsi je chlebem pláče, a dals jim vypiti slz míru velikou.
[It is as though] the only food and drink that you have given us is a cup full of our tears!
6 Postavils nás k sváru sousedům našim, a nepřátelé naši aby sobě posměch z nás činili.
You have allowed the people-groups that surround us to fight with [each other to decide which part of our land each of them will take]; our enemies laugh at us.
7 Ó Bože zástupů, navrať nás, a dej, ať nám svítí oblíčej tvůj, a spaseni budeme.
God, commander of the armies of heaven, cause our nation to be strong like it was before! Be kind to us in order that we may be saved!
8 Ty jsi kmen vinný z Egypta přenesl, vyhnal jsi pohany, a vsadils jej.
[Our ancestors were like] a grapevine [MET] that you brought out of Egypt; you expelled the other people-groups [from this land], and you put your people in their land.
9 Uprázdnil jsi mu, a učinils, aby se vkořenil, i zemi naplnil.
[Like people] clear ground to plant a grapevine [MET], [you cleared out the people who were living in this land for us to live in it]. [Like] the roots of a grapevine go deep down into the ground and spread [MET], [you enabled our ancestors to prosper and start living in towns all over this land].
10 Přikryty jsou hory stínem jeho, a réví jeho jako nejvyšší cedrové.
[Like huge] grapevines cover the hills with their shade and their branches are taller than big cedar [trees] [MET, HYP],
11 Vypustil ratolesti své až k moři, a až do řeky rozvody své.
[your people ruled all of Canaan], from the [Mediterranean] Sea [in the west] to the [Euphrates] River [in the east].
12 I pročež jsi rozbořil hradbu vinice, tak aby každý, kdož by tudy šel, trhati z ní mohl?
So why have you abandoned us and [allowed our enemies to] tear down our walls [RHQ]? [You are like] someone who tears down the fences [around his vineyard], with the result that all [the people] who pass by [can] steal the grapes,
13 Vepř divoký zryl ji, a zvěř polní spásla ji.
and wild pigs [can] trample [the vines], and wild animals [can also] eat [the grapes].
14 Ó Bože zástupů, obrať se již, popatř s nebe, viz a navštěv kmen vinný tento,
You who are the commander of the armies of heaven, (turn to/stop abandoning) us! Look down from heaven and see [what is happening to] us! Come and rescue [us who are like] [MET] your grapevine,
15 Vinici tu, kterouž štípila pravice tvá, a mladistvé réví, kteréž jsi zmocnil sobě.
who are [like] the young vine that you [SYN] planted and caused to grow!
16 Popálenať jest ohněm a poroubána, od žehrání oblíčeje tvého hyne.
Our enemies have torn down and burned everything in our land; look at them angrily and get rid of them!
17 Budiž ruka tvá nad mužem pravice tvé, nad synem člověka, kteréhož jsi zmocnil sobě,
But strengthen [us] people whom you have chosen [IDM], [us] Israeli people whom you [previously] caused to be very strong.
18 A neodstoupímeť od tebe; zachovej nás při životu, ať jméno tvé vzýváme.
When you do that, we will never turn away from you again; (revive us/cause us to be again like we were previously), and [then] we will praise/worship you.
19 Hospodine Bože zástupů, navratiž nás zase, a dej, ať nám svítí oblíčej tvůj, a spaseni budeme.
Yahweh, commander of the armies of heaven, restore us; be kind to us in order that we may be rescued [from our enemies]!

< Žalmy 80 >