< Jeremiáš 47 >

1 Slovo Hospodinovo, kteréž se stalo k Jeremiášovi proroku proti Filistinským, prvé než dobyl Farao Gázy.
Yahweh gave to the prophet Jeremiah a message about the people of Philistia. [The message was given to me] before Gaza [city in Philistia] was captured by [the army of] Egypt.
2 Takto praví Hospodin: Aj, vody vystupují od půlnoci, a obrátí se v potok rozvodnilý, tak že zatopí zemi, i cožkoli jest na ní, město i ty, kteříž bydlí v něm; pročež křičeti budou lidé, a kvíliti všeliký obyvatel té země;
This is what Yahweh said: “[An army] [MET] will be coming from the northeast that will cover the land like a flood. They will destroy the land and everything in it; [they will destroy] people and cities. People will scream; everyone in the land will wail.
3 Pro zvuk dusání kopyt silných jeho, pro hřmot vozů jeho, a hrčení kol jeho, neohlédnou se otcové na syny, majíce opuštěné ruce;
[They will hear] the sound of the hooves of the [enemy] horses, and [they will hear] the rumble/noise of the wheels [of their enemies’] chariots. Men [will run away; ] they will not stop to help their children; they will be completely weak and helpless [MTY].
4 Pro ten den, kterýž přijíti má, aby pohubil všecky Filistinské, aby zahladil Týr a Sidon, i všelikou pozůstávající pomoc, když hubiti bude Hospodin Filistinské, ostatek krajiny Kaftor.
It will be the time for all the people of Philistia to be destroyed, and the time to prevent the remaining soldiers from helping [the people of] Tyre and Sidon [cities]. [I, ] Yahweh, will get rid of the people of Philistia, those whose ancestors [long ago] came from Crete [island].
5 Přijde lysina na Gázu, vypléněn bude Aškalon i ostatek údolí jejich. Dokudž se řezati budeš?
[The people of] Gaza will be humiliated; they will shave off all the hair on their heads [to indicate that they are ashamed]. The [people of] [city] will all be silent [because they will be mourning]. [All you people who live] along the coast [of the Mediterranean Sea] who are still alive, how long [RHQ] will you gash yourselves [because you are mourning]?”
6 Ach, meči Hospodinův, dokudž se nespokojíš? Navrať se do pošvy své, utiš se, a zastav se.
[The people of Philistia say, ] “Yahweh, when [RHQ] will you [tell our enemies to stop killing us with] [PRS] their swords? Tell them to [PRS] put them back into their sheaths and keep them there!”
7 I jakž by se spokojil? Však Hospodin přikázal jemu. Proti Aškalon a proti břehu mořskému, tam postavil jej.
But it would not be right [RHQ] for their swords to stay there, because Yahweh has commanded their enemies [to do something more]; Yahweh intends to tell them to attack [all the people living in] Ashkelon and [in other cities] along the coast.

< Jeremiáš 47 >