< Psalmi 95 >

1 Dođite, kličimo Jahvi, uzvikujmo Hridi, Spasitelju svome!
Come let us praise the Lord with joy: let us joyfully sing to God our saviour.
2 Pred lice mu stupimo s hvalama, kličimo mu u pjesmama!
Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving; and make a joyful noise to him with psalms.
3 Jer velik je Jahve, Bog naš, Kralj veliki nad svim bogovima.
For the Lord is a great God, and a great King above all gods.
4 U njegovoj su ruci zemaljske dubine, njegovi su vrhunci planina.
For in his hand are all the ends of the earth: and the heights of the mountains are his.
5 Njegovo je more, on ga je stvorio, i kopno koje načiniše ruke njegove.
For the sea is his, and he made it: and his hands formed the dry land.
6 Dođite, prignimo koljena i padnimo nice, poklonimo se Jahvi koji nas stvori!
Come let us adore and fall down: and weep before the Lord that made us.
7 Jer on je Bog naš, a mi narod paše njegove, ovce što on ih čuva. O, da danas glas mu poslušate:
For he is the Lord our God: and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand.
8 “Ne budite srca tvrda kao u Meribi, kao u dan Mase u pustinji
Today if you shall hear his voice, harden not your hearts:
9 gdje me iskušavahu očevi vaši premda vidješe djela moja.
As in the provocation, according to the day of temptation in the wilderness: where your fathers tempted me, they proved me, and saw my works.
10 Četrdeset ljeta jadio me naraštaj onaj, pa rekoh: 'Narod su nestalna srca i ne promiču moje putove.'
Forty years long was I offended with that generation, and I said: These always err in heart.
11 Stog se zakleh u svom gnjevu: 'Nikad neće ući u moj pokoj!'”
And these men have not known my ways: so I swore in my wrath that they shall not enter into my rest.

< Psalmi 95 >