< Psalmi 79 >

1 Psalam. Asafov. Bože, pogani, evo, provališe u baštinu tvoju, tvoj sveti Hram oskvrnuše, pretvoriše Jeruzalem u ruševine.
A Psalm. Of Asaph. O God, the nations have come into your heritage; they have made your holy Temple unclean; they have made Jerusalem a mass of broken walls.
2 Trupla tvojih slugu dadoše za hranu pticama nebeskim, meso tvojih pobožnika zvijerima zemaljskim.
They have given the bodies of your servants as food to the birds of the air, and the flesh of your saints to the beasts of the earth.
3 Krv im k'o vodu prolijevahu oko Jeruzalema i ne bijaše nikoga da ih pokopa.
Their blood has been flowing like water round about Jerusalem; there was no one to put them in their last resting-place.
4 Postadosmo sramota susjedima svojim, podsmijeh i ruglo svima oko nas.
We are looked down on by our neighbours, we are laughed at and made sport of by those who are round us.
5 Dokle još, Jahve? Zar ćeš se svagda srditi? Zar će ljubomora tvoja poput ognja gorjeti?
How long, O Lord? will you be angry for ever? will your wrath go on burning like fire?
6 Izlij gnjev na pogane koji te ne priznaju i na kraljevstva što ne zazivlju ime tvoje!
Let your wrath be on the nations who have no knowledge of you, and on the kingdoms who have not made prayer to your name.
7 Jer izjedoše Jakova i opustošiše boravište njegovo.
For they have taken Jacob for their meat, and made waste his house.
8 Ne spominji se, protiv nas, grijeha otaca; neka nas pretekne smilovanje tvoje jer smo jadni i nevoljni.
Do not keep in mind against us the sins of our fathers; let your mercy come to us quickly, for we have been made very low.
9 Pomozi nam, Bože, pomoći naša, zbog slave imena svojega, oslobodi nas i otpusti nam grijehe zbog imena svoga!
Give us help, O God of our salvation, for the glory of your name; take us out of danger and give us forgiveness for our sins, because of your name.
10 Zašto da pogani govore: “TÓa gdje je njihov Bog?” Nek' se na poganima pokaže, pred očima našim, kako osvećuješ prolivenu krv slugu svojih!
Why may the nations say, Where is their God? Let payment for the blood of your servants be made openly among the nations before our eyes.
11 Nek' do tebe dopru uzdasi sužanja, snagom svoje mišice poštedi predane smrti!
Let the cry of the prisoner come before you; with your strong arm make free the children of death;
12 A našim susjedima vrati sedmerostruko u krilo pogrdu koju naniješe tebi, o Jahve!
And give punishment seven times over into the breast of our neighbours for the bitter words which they have said against you, O Lord.
13 A mi, tvoj puk i ovce paše tvoje, slavit ćemo te dovijeka, kazivat ćemo od koljena do koljena hvalu tvoju!
So we your people, and the sheep of your flock, will give you glory for ever: we will go on praising you through all generations.

< Psalmi 79 >