< Psalmi 78 >

1 Poučna pjesma. Asafova. Poslušaj, narode moj, moju nauku, prikloni uho riječima usta mojih!
Understanding for Asaph. Attend, O my people, to my law: incline your ears to the words of my mouth.
2 Otvorit ću svoja usta na pouku, iznijet ću tajne iz vremena davnih.
I will open my mouth in parables: I will utter propositions from the beginning.
3 Ono što čusmo i saznasmo, što nam kazivahu oci,
How great things have we heard and known, and our fathers have told us.
4 nećemo kriti djeci njihovoj, predat ćemo budućem koljenu: slavu Jahvinu i silu njegovu i djela čudesna što ih učini.
They have not been hidden from their children, in another generation. Declaring the praises of the Lord, and his powers, and his wonders which he hath done.
5 Svjedočanstvo podiže on u Jakovu, Zakon postavi u Izraelu, da ono što naredi ocima našim oni djeci svojoj objave,
And he set up a testimony in Jacob: and made a law in Israel. How great things he commanded our fathers, that they should make the same known to their children:
6 da sazna budući naraštaj, i sinovi koji će se roditi da djeci svojoj kazuju
That another generation might know them. The children that should be born and should rise up, and declare them to their children.
7 da u Boga ufanje svoje stave i ne zaborave djela Božjih, već da vrše zapovijedi njegove,
That they may put their hope in God and may not forget the works of God: and may seek his commandments.
8 kako ne bi bili, kao oci njihovi, naraštaj buntovan, prkosan - naraštaj srcem nestalan i duhom Bogu nevjeran.
That they may not become like their fathers, a perverse and exasperating generation. A generation that set not their heart aright: and whose spirit was not faithful to God.
9 Sinovi Efrajimovi, ratnici s lukom, u dan bitke okrenuše leđa.
The sons of Ephraim who bend and shoot with the bow: they have turned back in the day of battle.
10 Saveza s Bogom ne održaše i ne htjedoše hoditi po Zakonu njegovu.
They kept not the covenant of God: and in his law they would not walk.
11 Zaboraviše na djela njegova, na čudesa koja im pokaza.
And they forgot his benefits, and his wonders that he had shewn them.
12 Pred njihovim ocima činio je znakove u Egiptu, u Soanskom polju.
Wonderful things did he do in the sight of their fathers, in the land of Egypt, in the field of Tanis.
13 On more razdijeli i njih prevede, vode kao nasip uzdiže.
He divided the sea and brought them through: and he made the waters to stand as in a vessel.
14 Danju ih vodio oblakom, a svu noć ognjem blistavim.
And he conducted them with a cloud by day: and all the night with a light of fire.
15 U pustinji hrid prolomi i napoji ih obilno kao iz bezdana.
He struck the rock in the wilderness: and gave them to drink, as out of the great deep.
16 Iz stijene izbi potoke te izvede vode k'o velike rijeke.
He brought forth water out of the rock: and made streams run down as rivers.
17 A oni jednako griješiše, prkosiše Višnjem u pustinji.
And they added yet more sin against him: they provoked the most High to wrath in the place without water.
18 Boga su kušali u srcima svojim ištuć' (jela) svojoj pohlepnosti.
And they tempted God in their hearts, by asking meat for their desires.
19 Prigovarali su Bogu i pitali: “Može li Gospod stol u pustinji prostrti?
And they spoke ill of God: they said: Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?
20 Eno, udari u hrid, i voda poteče i provreše potoci: a može li dati i kruha, i mesa pružiti svome narodu?”
Because he struck the rock, and the waters gushed out, and the streams overflowed. Can he also give bread, or provide a table for his people?
21 Kad to začu Jahve, gnjevom usplamtje: oganj se raspali protiv Jakova, srdžba se razjari protiv Izraela,
Therefore the Lord heard, and was angry: and a fire was kindled against Jacob, and wrath came up against Israel.
22 jer ne vjerovaše Bogu niti se u njegovu pomoć uzdaše.
Because they believed not in God: and trusted not in his salvation.
23 Pa ozgo naredi oblaku i otvori brane nebeske,
And he had commanded the clouds from above, and had opened the doors of heaven.
24 k'o kišu prosu na njih mÓanu da jedu i nahrani ih kruhom nebeskim.
And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them the bread of heaven.
25 Čovjek blagovaše kruh Jakih; on im dade hrane do sitosti.
Man ate the bread of angels: he sent them provisions in abundance.
26 Probudi na nebu vjetar istočni i svojom silom južnjak dovede.
He removed the south wind from heaven: and by his power brought in the southwest wind.
27 Prosu na njih mesa k'o prašine i ptice krilatice k'o pijeska morskoga.
And he rained upon them flesh as dust: and feathered fowls like as the sand of the sea.
28 Padoše usred njihova tabora i oko šatora njihovih.
And they fell in the midst of their camp, round about their pavilions.
29 Jeli su i nasitili se, želju njihovu on im ispuni.
So they did eat, and were filled exceedingly, and he gave them their desire:
30 Još nisu svoju utažili pohlepu i jelo im još bješe u ustima,
They were not defrauded of that which they craved. As yet their meat was in their mouth:
31 kad se srdžba Božja na njih raspali: pokosi smrću prvake njihove i mladiće pobi Izraelove.
And the wrath of God came upon them. And he slew the fat ones amongst them, and brought down the chosen men of Israel.
32 Uza sve to griješiše dalje i ne vjerovaše u čudesna djela njegova.
In all these things they sinned still: and they believed not for his wondrous works.
33 I skonča im dane jednim dahom i njihova ljeta naglim svršetkom.
And their days were consumed in vanity, and their years in haste.
34 Kad ih ubijaše, tražiše ga i opet pitahu za Boga;
When he slew them, then they sought him: and they returned, and came to him early in the morning.
35 spominjahu se da je Bog hridina njihova i Svevišnji njihov otkupitelj.
And they remembered that God was their helper: and the most high God their redeemer.
36 Ali ga opet ustima svojim varahu i jezikom svojim lagahu njemu.
And they loved him with their mouth: and with their tongue they lied unto him:
37 Njihovo srce s njime ne bijaše, nit' bijahu vjerni Savezu njegovu.
But their heart was not right with him: nor were they counted faithful in his covenant.
38 A on im milosrdno grijeh praštao i nije ih posmicao; često je gnjev svoj susprezao da ne plane svom jarošću.
But he is merciful, and will forgive their sins: and will not destroy them. And many a time did he turn away his anger: and did not kindle all his wrath.
39 Spominjao se da su pÓut i dah koji odlazi i ne vraća se više.
And he remembered that they are flesh: a wind that goeth and returneth not.
40 Koliko mu prkosiše u pustinji i žalostiše ga u samotnom kraju!
How often did they provoke him in the desert: and move him to wrath in the place without water?
41 Sve nanovo iskušavahu Boga i vrijeđahu Sveca Izraelova
And they turned back and tempted God: and grieved the holy one of Israel.
42 ne spominjuć' se ruke njegove ni dana kad ih od dušmana izbavi,
They remembered not his hand, in the day that he redeemed them from the hand of him that afflicted them:
43 ni znakova njegovih u Egiptu, ni čudesnih djela u polju Soanskom.
How he wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in the field of Tanis.
44 U krv im pretvori rijeke i potoke, da ne piju.
And he turned their rivers into blood, and their showers that they might, not drink.
45 Posla na njih obade da ih žderu i žabe da ih more.
He sent amongst them divers sores of flies, which devoured them: and frogs which destroyed them.
46 I predade skakavcu žetvu njihovu, i plod muke njihove žderaču.
And he gave up their fruits to the blast, and their labours to the locust.
47 Vinograde im tučom udari, a mrazom smokvike njihove.
And he destroyed their vineyards with hail, and their mulberry trees with hoarfrost.
48 I predade grÓadu njihova goveda i munjama stada njihova.
And he gave up their cattle to the hail, and their stock to the fire.
49 Obori na njih svu žestinu gnjeva svog, jarost, bijes i nevolju: posla na njih anđele nesreće.
And he sent upon them the wrath of his indignation: indignation and wrath and trouble, which he sent by evil angels.
50 I put gnjevu svojem otvori: ne poštedje im život od smrti, životinje im izruči pošasti.
He made a way for a path to his anger: he spared not their souls from death, and their cattle he shut up in death.
51 Pobi u Egiptu sve prvorođeno, prvence u šatorju Hamovu.
And he killed all the firstborn in the land of Egypt: the firstfruits of all their labour in the tabernacles of Cham.
52 I povede narod svoj kao ovce i vođaše ih kao stado kroz pustinju.
And he took away his own people as sheep: and guided them in the wilderness like a flock.
53 Pouzdano ih je vodio te se nisu bojali, a more je prekrilo dušmane njihove.
And he brought them out in hope, and they feared not: band the sea overwhelmed their enemies.
54 U Svetu zemlju svoju on ih odvede, na bregove što mu ih osvoji desnica.
And he brought them into the mountain of his sanctuary: the mountain which his right hand had purchased. And he cast out the Gentiles before them: and by lot divided to them their land by a line of distribution.
55 Pred njima istjera pogane, konopom im podijeli baštinu, pod šatorjem njihovim naseli plemena izraelska.
And he made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tabernacles.
56 A oni iskušavali i gnjevili Boga Višnjega i nisu držali zapovijedi njegovih.
Yet they tempted, and provoked the most high God: and they kept not his testimonies.
57 Otpadoše, iznevjeriše se k'o oci njihovi, k'o luk nepouzdan oni zatajiše.
And they turned away, and kept not the covenant: even like their fathers they were turned aside as a crooked bow.
58 Na gnjev ga nagnaše svojim uzvišicama, na ljubomor navedoše kumirima svojim.
They provoked him to anger on their hills: and moved him to jealousy with their graven things.
59 Bog vidje i gnjevom planu, odbaci posve Izraela.
God heard, and despised them, and he reduced Israel exceedingly as it were to nothing.
60 I napusti boravište svoje u Šilu, Šator u kojem prebivaše s ljudima.
And he put away the tabernacle of Silo, his tabernacle where he dwelt among men.
61 Preda u ropstvo snagu svoju i svoju diku u ruke dušmanske.
And he delivered their strength into captivity: and their beauty into the hands of the enemy.
62 Narod svoj prepusti maču, raspali se na svoju baštinu.
And he shut up his people under the sword: and he despised his inheritance.
63 Mladiće njihove oganj proguta, ne udaše se djevice njihove.
Fire consumed their young men: and their maidens were not lamented.
64 Svećenici njihovi padoše od mača, ne zaplakaše Óudove njihove.
Their priests fell by the sword: and their widows did not mourn.
65 Tad se k'o oda sna trgnu Gospodin, k'o ratnik vinom savladan.
And the Lord was awaked as one out of sleep, and like a mighty man that hath been surfeited with wine.
66 Udari otraga dušmane svoje, sramotu im vječitu zadade.
And he smote his enemies on the hinder parts: he put them to an everlasting reproach.
67 On odbaci šator Josipov i Efrajimovo pleme ne odabra,
And he rejected the tabernacle of Joseph: and chose not the tribe of Ephraim:
68 već odabra pleme Judino i goru Sion koja mu omilje.
But he chose the tribe of Juda, mount Sion which he loved.
69 Sagradi Svetište k'o nebo visoko, k'o zemlju utemelji ga dovijeka.
And he built his sanctuary as of unicorns, in the land which he founded for ever.
70 Izabra Davida, slugu svojega, uze ga od torova ovčjih;
And he chose his servant David, and took him from the hocks of sheep: he brought him from following the ewes great with young,
71 odvede ga od ovaca dojilica da pase Jakova, narod njegov, Izraela, baštinu njegovu.
To feed Jacob his servant, and Israel his inheritance.
72 I pasao ih je srcem čestitim i brižljivim rukama vodio.
And he fed them in the innocence of his heart: and conducted them by the skillfulness of his hands.

< Psalmi 78 >