< Mudre Izreke 18 >

1 Vlastitoj požudi popušta onaj tko zastranjuje, i svađa se usprkos svakom razboru.
He who keeps himself separate for his private purpose goes against all good sense.
2 Bezumnomu nije mio razum; stalo mu je dati srcu oduška.
A foolish man has no pleasure in good sense, but only to let what is in his heart come to light.
3 Kad dolazi opačina, dolazi i prezir i bruka sa sramotom.
When the evil-doer comes, a low opinion comes with him, and with the loss of honour comes shame.
4 Duboke su vode riječi iz usta nečijih, izvor mudrosti bujica što se razlijeva.
The words of a man's mouth are like deep waters: the fountain of wisdom is like a flowing stream.
5 Ne valja se obazirati na opaku osobu, da se pravedniku nanese nepravda na sudu.
To have respect for the person of the evil-doer is not good, or to give a wrong decision against the upright.
6 Bezumnikove se usne upuštaju u svađu i njegova usta izazivlju udarce.
A foolish man's lips are a cause of fighting, and his mouth makes him open to blows.
7 Bezumnomu su propast vlastita usta i usne su mu zamka životu.
The mouth of a foolish man is his destruction, and his lips are a net for his soul.
8 Klevetnikove su riječi kao poslastice: spuštaju se u dno utrobe.
The words of one who says evil of his neighbour secretly are like sweet food, and go down into the inner parts of the stomach.
9 Tko je nemaran u svom poslu, brat je onomu koji rasipa.
He who does not give his mind to his work is brother to him who makes destruction.
10 Tvrda je kula ime Jahvino: njemu se pravednik utječe i nalazi utočišta.
The name of the Lord is a strong tower: the upright man running into it is safe.
11 Bogatstvo je bogatašu njegova tvrđava i kao visok zid u mašti njegovoj.
The property of a man of wealth is his strong town, and it is as a high wall in the thoughts of his heart.
12 Pred slomom se oholi srce čovječje, a pred slavom ide poniznost.
Before destruction the heart of man is full of pride, and before honour goes a gentle spirit.
13 Tko odgovara prije nego što sasluša, na ludost mu je i sramotu.
To give an answer before hearing is a foolish thing and a cause of shame.
14 Kad je čovjek bolestan, njegov ga duh podiže, a ubijen duh tko će podići?
The spirit of a man will be his support when he is ill; but how may a broken spirit be lifted up?
15 Razumno srce stječe znanje i uho mudrih traži znanje.
The heart of the man of good sense gets knowledge; the ear of the wise is searching for knowledge.
16 Dar čovjeku otvara put i vodi ga pred velikaše.
A man's offering makes room for him, letting him come before great men.
17 Prvi je pravedan u svojoj parnici, a kad dođe njegov protivnik, opovrgne ga.
The man who first puts his cause before the judge seems to be in the right; but then his neighbour comes and puts his cause in its true light.
18 Ždrijeb poravna svađe, pa i među moćnicima odlučuje.
The decision of chance puts an end to argument, parting the strong.
19 Uvrijeđen brat jači je od tvrda grada i svađe su kao prijevornice na tvrđavi.
A brother wounded is like a strong town, and violent acts are like a locked tower.
20 Svatko siti trbuh plodom usta svojih, nasićuje se rodom usana svojih.
With the fruit of a man's mouth his stomach will be full; the produce of his lips will be his in full measure.
21 Smrt i život u vlasti su jeziku, a tko ga miluje, jede od ploda njegova.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and those to whom it is dear will have its fruit for their food.
22 Tko je našao ženu, našao je sreću i stekao milost od Jahve.
Whoever gets a wife gets a good thing, and has the approval of the Lord.
23 Ponizno moleći govori siromah, a grubo odgovara bogataš.
The poor man makes requests for grace, but the man of wealth gives a rough answer.
24 Ima prijatelja koji vode u propast, a ima i prijatelja privrženijih od brata.
There are friends who may be a man's destruction, but there is a lover who keeps nearer than a brother.

< Mudre Izreke 18 >