< Brojevi 13 >

1 Jahve reče Mojsiju:
And there the Lord spoke to Moses, saying:
2 “Pošalji ljude, po jednoga čovjeka iz pojedinog pradjedovskog plemena, da izvide kanaansku zemlju, koju dajem Izraelcima. Pošaljite sve njihove glavare!”
Send men to view the land of Chanaan, which I will give to the children of Israel, one of every tribe, of the rulers.
3 Na Jahvinu zapovijed Mojsije ih posla iz pustinje Parana. Svi ti ljudi bijahu glavari Izraelaca.
Moses did what the Lord had commanded, sending from the desert of Pharan, principal men, whose names are these:
4 A ovo su njihova imena: Šamua, sin Zakurov, od plemena Rubenova;
Of the tribe of Ruben, Sammua the son of Zechur.
5 Šafat, sin Horijev, od plemena Šimunova;
Of the tribe of Simeon, Saphat the son of Hurl.
6 Kaleb, sin Jefuneov, od plemena Judina;
Of the tribe of Juda, Caleb the son of Jephone.
7 Jigal, sin Josipov, od plemena Jisakarova;
Of the tribe of Issachar, Igal the son of Joseph.
8 Hošea, sin Nunov, od plemena Efrajimova;
Of the tribe of Ephraim, Osee the son of Nun.
9 Palti, sin Rafuov, od plemena Benjaminova;
Of the tribe of Benjamin, Phalti the son of Raphu.
10 Gadiel, sin Sodijev, od plemena Zebulunova;
Of the tribe of Zabulon, Geddiel the son of Sodi.
11 Gadi, sin Susijev, od plemena Josipova, od plemena Manašeova;
Of the tribe of Joseph, of the sceptre of Manasses, Gaddi the son of Susi.
12 Amiel, sin Gemalijev, od plemena Danova;
Of the tribe of Dan, Ammiel the son of Gemalli.
13 Setur, sin Mikaelov, od plemena Ašerova;
Of the tribe of Aser, Sthur the son of Michael.
14 Nahbi, sin Vofsijev, od plemena Naftalijeva;
Of the tribe of Nephtali, Nahabi the son of Vapsi.
15 Geuel, sin Makijev, od plemena Gadova.
Of the tribe of Gad, Guel the son of Machi.
16 To su imena ljudi koje je Mojsije poslao da izvide zemlju. A Hošeu, sina Nunova, Mojsije prozva Jošuom.
These are the names of the men, whom Moses sent to view the land: and he called Osee the son of Nun, Josue.
17 Posla ih Mojsije da izvide kanaansku zemlju pa im reče: “Idite gore u Negeb, onda se popnite na brdo.
And Moses sent them to view the land of Chanaan, and said to them: Go you up by the south side. And when you shall come to the mountains,
18 Razgledajte zemlju kakva je. Je li narod koji u njoj živi jak ili slab, malobrojan ili mnogobrojan?
View the land, of what sort it is: and the people that are the inhabitants thereof, whether they be strong or weak: few in number or many:
19 Kakva je zemlja u kojoj živi: dobra ili rđava? Kakvi su gradovi u kojima borave: otvoreni ili utvrđeni?
The land itself, whether it be good or bad: what manner of cities, walled or without walls:
20 Kakvo je tlo: plodno ili mršavo? Ima li po njemu drveća ili nema? Odvažni budite i ponesite plodova te zemlje.” Bilo je upravo vrijeme ranog grožđa.
The ground, fat or barren, woody or without trees. Be of good courage, and bring us of the fruits of the land. Now it was the time when the first ripe grapes are fit to be eaten.
21 Odu oni gore da izvide zemlju od pustinje Sina do Rehoba, koji je na ulazu u Hamat.
And when they were gone up, they viewed the land from the desert of Sin, unto Rohob as you enter into Emath.
22 Popnu se u Negeb i dođu do Hebrona, gdje su se nalazili Ahiman, Šešaj i Talmaj, Anakovi potomci. - Hebron je osnovan sedam godina prije nego Soan u Egiptu. -
And they went up at the south side, and came to Hebron, where were Achiman and Sisai and Tholmai the sons of Enac. For Hebron was built seven years before Tanis the city of Egypt.
23 Kada stigoše u Dolinu Eškol, odrezaše ondje lozu s grozdom i ponesoše ga, udvoje, na motki; ponesoše i mogranja i smokava.
And going forward as far as the torrent of the cluster of grapes, they cut off a branch with its cluster of grapes, which two men carried upon a lever. They took also of the pomegranates and of the figs of that place:
24 Ono se mjesto prozva Dolina Eškol zbog grozda koji su ondje Izraelci odrezali.
Which was called Nehelescol, that is to say, the torrent of the cluster of grapes, because from thence the children of Israel had carried a cluster of grapes.
25 Nakon četrdeset dana vrate se iz zemlje koju su izviđali.
And they that went to spy out the land returned after forty days, having gone round all the country,
26 Odu k Mojsiju i Aronu i svoj izraelskoj zajednici u Kadeš, u Paranskoj pustinji. Podnesu njima i svoj zajednici izvještaj, a onda im pokažu plodove zemlje.
And came to Moses and Aaron and to all the assembly of the children of Israel to the desert of Pharan, which is in Cades. And speaking to them and to all the multitude, they shewed them the fruits of the land:
27 Izvijeste ga oni: “Išli smo u zemlju u koju si nas poslao. Zaista njome teče med i mlijeko. Evo njezinih plodova.
And they related and said: We came into the land to which thou sentest us, which in very deed floweth with milk and honey as may be known by these fruits:
28 Ali je jak narod koji u onoj zemlji živi, gradovi su utvrđeni i vrlo veliki. A vidjesmo ondje i potomke Anakove.
But it hath very strong inhabitants, and the cities are great and walled. We saw there the race of Enac.
29 Amalečani borave u negepskom kraju: Hetiti, Jebusejci i Amorejci žive u brdu; a Kanaanci se nalaze uz more i duž Jordana.”
Amalec dwelleth in the south, the Hethite and the Jebusite and the Amorrhite in the mountains: but the Chanaanite abideth by the sea and near the streams of the Jordan.
30 Kaleb ušutka narod oko Mojsija i progovori: “Krenimo ne oklijevajući i zauzmimo je, jer je možemo nadvladati!”
In the mean time Caleb, to still the murmuring of the people that rose against Moses, said: Let us go up and possess the land, for we shall be able to conquer it.
31 Ali ljudi što su s njim išli odvratiše: “Ne možemo ići na onaj narod jer je jači od nas.”
But the others, that had been with him, said: No, we are not able to go up to this people, because they are stronger than we.
32 I počnu ozloglašivati Izraelcima zemlju koju su izviđali: “Zemlja kroz koju smo prošli da je izvidimo zemlja je što proždire svoje stanovništvo. Sav narod što ga u njoj vidjesmo ljudi su krupna stasa.
And they spoke ill of the land, which they had viewed, before the children of Israel, saying: The land which we have viewed, devoureth its inhabitants: the people, that we beheld, are of a tall stature.
33 Vidjesmo ondje i divove - Anakovo potomstvo od divova. Činilo nam se da smo prema njima kao skakavci. Takvi bijasmo i njima.”
There we saw certain monsters of the sons of Enac, of the giant kind: in comparison of whom, we seemed like locusts.

< Brojevi 13 >