< Job 19 >

1 Job progovori i reče:
Then responded Job, and said: —
2 “TÓa dokle ćete mučit' dušu moju, dokle ćete me riječima satirat'?
How long will ye grieve my soul? or crush me with words?
3 Već deseti put pogrdiste mene i stid vas nije što me zlostavljate.
These ten times, have ye reviled me, Shameless ye wrong me.
4 Pa ako sam zastranio doista, na meni moja zabluda ostaje.
And even if indeed I have erred, with myself lodgeth mine error.
5 Mislite li da ste me nadjačali i krivnju moju da ste dokazali?
If indeed, against me, ye must needs magnify yourselves, and plead, against me, my reproach.
6 Znajte: Bog je to mene pritisnuo i svojom me je on stegnuo mrežom.
Know, then, that, God, hath overthrown me, and, within his net, enclosed me.
7 Vičem: 'Nasilje!' - nema odgovora; vapijem - ali za me pravde nema.
Lo! I cry—out: Violence! but receive no answer, I cry aloud, but there is no vindication;
8 Sa svih strana put mi je zagradio, sve staze moje u tminu zavio.
My way, hath he walled up, that I cannot pass, and, upon my paths, hath he made darkness rest;
9 Slavu je moju sa mene skinuo, sa moje glave strgnuo je krunu.
My glory—from off me, hath he stripped, and hath removed the crown of my head;
10 Podsijeca me odasvud te nestajem; k'o drvo, nadu mi je iščupao.
He hath ruined me on every side, and I am gone, and he hath taken away—like a tree—my hope;
11 Raspalio se gnjev njegov na mene i svojim me drži neprijateljem.
Yea he hath kindled against me his anger, and accounted me towards him like unto his adversaries;
12 U bojnom redu pristižu mu čete, putove proti meni nasipaju, odasvud moj opkoljavaju šator.
Together, enter his troops and have cast up, against me, their mound, and have encamped all around my tent;
13 Od mene su se udaljila braća, otuđili se moji poznanici.
My Brethren—from beside me, hath he moved far away, and, mine acquaintance, are wholly estranged from me;
14 Nestade bližnjih mojih i znanaca, gosti doma mog zaboraviše me.
Failed me, have my near of kin, and, mine intimate acquaintances, have forgotten me;
15 Sluškinjama sam svojim kao stranac, neznanac sam u njihovim očima.
Ye guests of my house and my maidens, A stranger, have ye accounted me, An alien, have I become in their eyes;
16 Slugu zovnem, a on ne odgovara i za milost ga moram zaklinjati.
To mine own servant, I called, and he would not answer, With mine own mouth, I kept entreating him;
17 Mojoj je ženi dah moj omrznuo, gadim se djeci vlastite utrobe.
My breath, is strange to my wife, and I am loathsome to the sons of my own mother;
18 I deranima na prezir tek služim, ako se dignem, rugaju se meni.
Even young children, despise me, I rise up, and they speak against me;
19 Pouzdanicima sam svojim mrzak, protiv mene su oni koje ljubljah.
All the men of mine intimate circle abhor me, and, these whom I loved, have turned against me;
20 Kosti mi se za kožu prilijepiše, osta mi jedva koža oko zuba.
Unto my skin and unto my flesh, have my bones cleaved, and I have escaped with the akin of my teeth.
21 Smilujte mi se, prijatelji moji, jer Božja me je ruka udarila.
Pity me! pity me! ye, my friends, for, the hand of GOD, hath stricken me!
22 Zašto da me k'o Bog sam progonite, zar se niste moga nasitili mesa?
Wherefore should ye persecute me as GOD? and, with my flesh, should not he satisfied?
23 O, kad bi se riječi moje zapisale i kad bi se u mjed tvrdu urezale;
Oh, then, that my words, could be written, Oh that, in a record, they could be inscribed:
24 kad bi se željeznim dlijetom i olovom u spomen vječan u stijenu uklesale!
That, with a stylus of iron and [with] lead, for all time—in the rock, they could be graven!
25 Ja znadem dobro: moj Izbavitelj živi i posljednji će on nad zemljom ustati.
But, I, know that, my redeemer, liveth, and, as the Last over [my] dust, will he arise;
26 A kad se probudim, k sebi će me dići: iz svoje ću puti tad vidjeti Boga.
And, though, after my skin is struck off, this [followeth], yet, apart from my flesh, shall I see GOD:
27 Njega ja ću kao svojega gledati, i očima mojim neće biti stranac: za njime srce mi čezne u grudima.
Whom, I myself, shall see, on my side, and, mine own eyes, [shall] have looked upon, and not those of a stranger. Exhausted are my deepest desires in my bosom!
28 Kad kažete: 'Kako ćemo ga goniti? Koji ćemo razlog protiv njega naći?',
Surely ye should say—Why should we persecute him? seeing, the root of the matter, is found in me.
29 mača tad se bojte: grijehu mač je kazna. Saznat ćete tada da imade suda!”
Be ye afraid—on your part—of the face of the sword, because, wrath, [bringeth] the punishments of the sword, to the end ye may know the Almighty.

< Job 19 >