< Postanak 14 >

1 Kad Amrafel bijaše kralj Šineara, Ariok kralj Elasara, Kedor-Laomer kralj Elama, Tidal kralj Gojima,
And it chaunsed within a while that Amraphel kynge of Synear Arioch kynge of Ellasar Kedorlaomer kynge of Elam and Thydeall kynge of the nations:
2 povedoše oni rat protiv Bere, kralja Sodome, Birše, kralja Gomore, Šinaba, kralja Adme, Šemebera, kralja Sebojima, i protiv kralja u Beli, to jest Soaru.
made warre wyth Bera kynge of Sodoh and with Birsa kynge of Gomorra. And wythe Sineab kynge of Adama and with Semeaber kynge of Zeboim and wyth the kynge of Bela Which Bela is called Zoar.
3 I vojske se sliju u dolinu Sidim, gdje je danas Slano more.
All these came together vnto the vale of siddim which is now the salt see
4 Dvanaest su godina služili Kedor-Laomera, ali trinaeste godine dignu se na ustanak.
Twelve yere were they subiecte to kinge kedorlaomer and in the. xiij. yere rebelled.
5 U četrnaestoj godini digne se Kedor-Laomer i kraljevi koji su bili s njim te potuku Refaimce u Ašterot Karnajimu, Zuzijce u Hamu, Emijce na ravnici Kirjatajimu,
Therfore in the. xiiij. yere came kedorlaomer and the kynges that were wyth hym and smote the Raphayms in Astarath Karnaim and the Susims in Hain ad the Emyms in Sabe Kariathaim
6 Horijce u brdskom kraju Seiru, blizu El Parana, koji je uz pustinju.
and the Hozyms in their awne mounte Seir vnto the playne of Pharan which bordreth vpon the wyldernesse.
7 Onda se povuku natrag i stignu u En Mišpat, to jest Kadeš, i pokore sve krajeve Amalečana i Amorejaca, koji su nastavali Haseson Tamar.
And then turned they and came to the well of iugmente which is Cades and smote all the contre of the Amalechites and also the amorytes that dwell in Hazezon Thamar.
8 Zatim istupi kralj Sodome, kralj Gomore, kralj Adme, kralj Sebojima i kralj Bele, odnosno Soara, te zapodjenu borbu protiv onih u dolini Sidimu:
Than went out the kynge of Sodome and the kynge of Gomorra and the kinge of Adama and the kynge of Zeboijm and the kynge of Bela now called Zoar. And sette their men in aray to fyghte wyth them in the vale of siddim that is to say
9 Kedor-Laomera, kralja Elama, Tidala, kralja Gojima, Amrafela, kralja Šineara, Arioka, kralja Elasara - četiri kralja protiv pet.
wyth kedorlaomer the kynge of Elam and with Thydeall kynge of the Nations and wyth Amraphel kynge of Synear. And with Arioch kynge of Ellasar: foure kynges agenste v.
10 Dolina Sidim bila je puna provalija s paklinom, pa kraljevi Sodome i Gomore, na bijegu, u njih poskaču, a ostali izmaknu u planine.
And that vale of siddim was full of slyme pyttes. And the kynges of Sodome and Gomorra fled and fell there. And the resydue fled to the mountaynes.
11 Pobjednici pokupe sve blago po Sodomi i Gomori i svu hranu pa odu.
And they toke all the goodes of Sodome and Gomorra and all their vitalles ad went their waye.
12 Pograbe i Lota, Abramova bratića - i on je živio u Sodomi - i njegovo blago pa otiđu.
And they toke Lot also Abrams brothers sonne and his good (for he dwelled at Sodome) and departed:
13 A bjegunac neki - rođak Eškola i Anera, Abramovih saveznika - donese vijest Abramu Hebrejcu dok je boravio kod hrasta Amorejske Mamre.
Than came one that had escaped and tolde Abram the hebrue which dwelled in the okegrove of Mamre the Amoryte brother of Eschol and Aner: which were confederate wyth Abram.
14 Kad je Abram čuo da mu je bratić zarobljen, skupi svoju momčad - rođenu u njegovu domu - njih trista osamnaest, pa pođe u potjeru do Dana.
When Abram herde that his brother was taken he harnessed his seruantes borne in his owne house. iij. hundred and. xviij. ad folowed tyll they came at Dan.
15 Podijeli svoje momke u dvije čete, napadne noću te one potuče. Progonio ih je do Hobe, sjeverno od Damaska.
And sette hymselfe ad his seruantes in aray and fell vpon them by nyght and smote them and chased them awaye vnto Hoba: which lyeth on the lefte hande of Damascos
16 Povrati sve blago, svoga bratića Lota i njegovo blago, žene i ostali svijet.
and broughte agayne all the goodes and also his brother Lot ad his goodes the weme also and the people.
17 Pošto se vratio, porazivši Kedor-Laomera i kraljeve koji su bili s njim, u susret mu, u dolinu Šave, to jest u Kraljev dol, iziđe kralj Sodome.
And as he retourned agayne from the slaughter of kedorlaomer and of the kynges that were with hym than came the kynge of Sodome agaynst hym vnto the vale of Saue which now is called kynges dale.
18 A Melkisedek, kralj Šalema, iznese kruha i vina. On je bio svećenik Boga Svevišnjega.
Than Melchisedech kinge of Salem brought forth breed and wyne. And he beynge the prest of the most hyghest God
19 Blagoslovi ga govoreći: “Od Boga Svevišnjega, Stvoritelja neba i zemlje, neka je Abramu blagoslov!
blessed hym saynge. Blessed be Abram vnto the most hyghest God possessor of heauen and erth.
20 I Svevišnji Bog, što ti u ruke preda neprijatelje, hvaljen bio!” Abram mu dade desetinu od svega.
And blessed be God the most hyghest which hath delyvered thyne enimies in to thy handes. And Abra gaue hym tythes of all.
21 Tada kralj Sodome reče Abramu: “Meni daj ljude, a dobra uzmi sebi!”
Than sayd the kynge of Sodome vnto Abram: gyue me the soulles and take the goodes to thy selfe.
22 Abram odgovori kralju Sodome: “Ruku uzdižem pred Jahvom, Svevišnjim Stvoriteljem neba i zemlje,
And Abram answered the kynge of Sodome: I lyfte vpp my hande vnto the LORde God most hygh possessor of heaven ad erth
23 da neću uzeti ni končića, ni remena od obuće, niti išta što je tvoje da ne kažeš: na meni se Abram obogatio.
that I will not take of all yt is thyne so moch as a thred or a shoulacher lest thou shuldest saye I haue made Abra ryche.
24 Ne, meni ništa, osim što su moji momci upotrijebili; i dio za momčad što je sa mnom išla: Aner, Eškol i Mamre, oni neka uzmu svoj dio.”
Saue only that which the yonge men haue eaten ad the partes of the men which went wyth me. Aner Escholl and Mamre. Let them take their partes.

< Postanak 14 >