< Estera 7 >

1 Kralj i Haman dođoše na gozbu kraljici Esteri.
So the king and Haman came to take wine with Esther the queen.
2 I toga drugoga dana, dok se pilo vino, reče kralj Esteri: "Koja ti je molba, kraljice Estero? Bit će ti udovoljena! Koja je tvoja želja? Ako je i pola kraljevstva, bit će ti!"
And the king said to Esther again on the second day, while they were drinking, What is your prayer, Queen Esther? for it will be given to you; and what is your request? for it will be done, even to the half of my kingdom.
3 Kraljica Estera odgovori: "Ako sam, kralju, našla milost u tvojim očima i ako ti je s voljom, neka mi se u ime molbe pokloni život, a u ime želje moj narod!
Then Esther the queen, answering, said, If I have your approval, O king, and if it is the king's pleasure, let my life be given to me in answer to my prayer, and my people at my request:
4 Jer smo ja i narod moj predani za zator, klanje, uništenje. Da smo predani u roblje, šutjela bih jer nevolja ne bi bila štetna po kralja."
For we are given up, I and my people, to destruction and death and to be cut off. If we had been taken as men-servants and women-servants for a price, I would have said nothing, for our trouble is little in comparison with the king's loss.
5 Ali kralj Ahasver upade kraljici Esteri u riječ pa je upita: "Tko je taj? Gdje je taj koji je namislio takvo što učiniti?" Estera tada odgovori: "Progonitelj i neprijatelj jest Haman, ovaj zlikovac!"
Then King Ahasuerus said to Esther the queen, Who is he and where is he who has had this evil thought in his heart?
6 Haman se zaprepasti pred kraljem i kraljicom.
And Esther said, Our hater and attacker is this evil Haman. Then Haman was full of fear before the king and the queen.
7 Kralj, gnjevan, ostavi vino te ode u vrt palače. Haman osta uz kraljicu da je moli za svoj život, jer je uvidio da je njegova nesreća pred kraljem gotova.
And the king in his wrath got up from the feast and went into the garden: and Haman got to his feet to make a prayer for his life to Esther the queen: for he saw that the king's purpose was evil against him.
8 Kralj se vrati iz vrta u dvoranu gdje se pilo vino. Dotle Haman bijaše pao na počivaljku na kojoj se nalazila Estera. "Pokušavaš još i nasilje nad kraljicom, i to u mome vlastitom domu?" - povika kralj. Tek što su te riječi izletjele iz kraljevih usta, pokriše lice Hamanu.
Then the king came back from the garden into the room where they had been drinking; and Haman was stretched out on the seat where Esther was. Then the king said, Is he taking the queen by force before my eyes in my house? And while the words were on the king's lips, they put a cloth over Haman's face.
9 Tada kaza Harbona, jedan od dvorana koji su stajali u službi kraljevoj: "Eno i vješala što ih je Haman pripravio za Mordokaja koji je govorio u korist kraljevu. Nalaze se kraj Hamanove kuće i visoka su pedeset lakata." Kralj zapovjedi: "Objesite ga na njih!"
Then Harbonah, one of the unsexed servants waiting before the king, said, See, the pillar fifty cubits high, which Haman made for Mordecai, who said a good word for the king, is still in its place in Haman's house. Then the king said, Put him to death by hanging him on it.
10 Hamana objesiše na vješala koja bijaše pripravio Mordokaju, i kraljeva se srdžba utiša.
So Haman was put to death by hanging him on the pillar he had made for Mordecai. Then the king's wrath became less.

< Estera 7 >