< 2 Samuelova 19 >

1 I javiše Joabu: “Eno kralj plače i tuguje za Abšalomom.”
And it was told Joab, that the king wept and mourned for his son:
2 Tako se pobjeda u onaj dan pretvorila u žalost za svu vojsku, jer je vojska čula u onaj dan da kralj tuguje za svojim sinom.
And the victory that day was turned into mourning unto all the people: for the people heard say that day: The king grieveth for his son.
3 I toga se dana vojskom kradom vrati u grad, kao što se kradom šulja vojska koja se osramotila bježeći iz boja.
And the people shunned the going into the city that day as a people would do that hath turned their backs, and fled away from the battle.
4 A kralj je pokrio svoje lice i vapio iza glasa: “Sine moj Abšalome! Abšalome, sine moj! Sine moj!”
And the king covered his head, and cried with a loud voice: O my son Absalom, O Absalom my son, O my son.
5 Tada Joab dođe kralju u kuću i reče mu: “Postiđuješ danas lice svih svojih slugu koji su danas spasili život tebi, život tvojim sinovima i tvojim kćerima, život tvojim ženama i život inočama tvojim,
Then Joab going into the house to the king, said: Thou hast shamed this day the faces of all thy servants, that have saved thy life, and the lives of thy sons, and of thy daughters, and the lives of thy wives, and the lives of thy concubines.
6 jer iskazuješ ljubav onima koji te mrze, a mržnju onima koji te ljube. Danas si pokazao da ti ništa nije ni do vojvoda ni do vojnika, jer vidim sada da bi ti sasvim pravo bilo kad bi Abšalom bio živ, a mi svi da smo danas poginuli.
Thou lovest them that hate thee, and thou hatest them that love thee: and thou hast shewn this day that thou carest not for thy nobles, nor for thy servants: and I now plainly perceive that if Absalom had lived, and all we had been slain, then it would have pleased thee.
7 Zato sada ustani, iziđi i prijazno progovori svojim vojnicima; jer, kunem ti se Jahvom, ako ne iziđeš, nijedan čovjek neće ostati noćas s tobom, i to će ti biti veća nesreća od svih koje su te snašle od tvoje mladosti pa do sada.”
Now therefore arise, and go out, and speak to the satisfaction of thy servants: for I swear to thee by the Lord, that if thou wilt not go forth, there will not tarry with thee so much as one this night: and that will be worse to thee, than all the evils that have befallen thee from thy youth until now.
8 Kralj ustade i sjede na vrata. Javiše to svemu narodu govoreći: “Eno kralj sjedi na vratima.” I sav narod dođe pred kralja. A Izraelci bijahu pobjegli svaki u svoj šator.
Then the king arose and sat in the gate: and it was told to all the people that the king sat in the gate: and all the people came before the king, but Israel fled to their own dwellings.
9 I sav se narod po svim Izraelovim plemenima prepirao govoreći: “Kralj nas je izbavio iz ruku naših neprijatelja, on nas je izbavio iz ruku filistejskih, a sada je morao pobjeći iz zemlje ispred Abšaloma.
And all the people were at strife in all the tribes of Israel, saying: The king delivered us out of the hand of our enemies, and he saved us out of the hand of the Philistines: and now he is fled out of the land for Absalom.
10 A Abšalom koga smo pomazali za kralja poginuo je u boju. Zašto se, dakle, kolebate dovesti kralja natrag?”
But Absalom, whom we anointed over us, is dead in the battle: how long are you silent, and bring not back the king?
11 Te riječi svega Izraela dopru do kralja u njegovu kuću. Zato kralj David poruči svećenicima Sadoku i Ebjataru: “Recite starješinama judejskim ovako: 'Zašto da vi budete posljednji koji će kralja dovesti u njegovu kuću?
And king David sent to Sadoc, and Abiathar the priests, saying: Speak to the ancients of Juda, saying: Why are you the last to bring the king back to his house? (For the talk of all Israel was come to the king in his house.)
12 Vi ste moja braća, vi ste od moga mesa i od mojih kosti. Zašto biste, dakle, bili posljednji koji će dovesti kralja natrag?'
You are my brethren, you are my bone, and my flesh, why are you the last to bring back the king?
13 Recite i Amasi: 'Nisi li ti od mojih kosti i od moga mesa? Neka mi Bog učini zlo i neka mi doda drugo ako mi ne budeš zauvijek vojvoda nad mojom vojskom namjesto Joaba!'”
And say ye to Amasa: Art not thou my bone, and my flesh? So do God to me and add more, if thou be not the chief captain of the army before me always in the place of Joab.
14 Tada se složiše svi ljudi Judina roda kao jedan čovjek i poručiše kralju: “Vrati se sa svim svojim ljudima!”
And be inclined the heart of all the men of Juda, as it were of one man: and they sent to the king, saying: Return thou, and all thy servants.
15 I tako se kralj vrati i dođe do Jordana, a Judejci bijahu stigli do Gilgala dolazeći u susret kralju da prate kralja na prijelazu preko Jordana.
And the king returned and came as far as the Jordan, and all Juda came as far as Galgal to meet the king, and to bring him over the Jordan.
16 Tada je pohitio i Šimej, sin Gerin, Benjaminovac iz Bahurima, i sišao s Judejcima u susret kralju Davidu.
And Semei the son of Gera the son of Jemini of Bahurim, made haste and went down with the men of Juda to meet king David,
17 Imao je sa sobom tisuću ljudi od Benjaminova plemena. I Siba, sluga Šaulova doma, sa petnaest svojih sinova i dvadeset svojih slugu, dođe do Jordana pred kralja.
With a thousand men of Benjamin, and Siba the servant of the house of Saul: and his fifteen sons, and twenty servants were with him: and going over the Jordan,
18 Dovezli su splav da prevezu kraljevu čeljad i da učine sve što bi mu bilo drago. A Gerin sin Šimej baci se pred noge kralju kad je kralj htio prijeći preko Jordana;
They passed the fords before the king, that they might help over the king’s household, and do according to his commandment. And Semei the son of Gera falling down before the king, when he was come over the Jordan,
19 i reče kralju: “Neka mi moj gospodar ne upiše u grijeh! Ne opominji se zla što ti ga je učinio tvoj sluga u onaj dan kad je moj gospodar i kralj izlazio iz Jeruzalema. Neka to kralj ne uzima k srcu!
Said to him: Impute not to me, my lord, the iniquity, nor remember the injuries of thy servant on the day that thou, my lord, the king, wentest out of Jerusalem, nor lay it up in thy heart, O king.
20 Tvoj sluga uviđa da je sagriješio; zato sam, evo, došao danas prvi iz svega Josipova doma da siđem u susret svome gospodaru i kralju.”
For I thy servant acknowledge my sin: and therefore I am come this day the first of all the house of Joseph, and am come down to meet my lord the king.
21 Ali Sarvijin sin Abišaj progovori i reče: “Zar Šimej ne zaslužuje smrt što je proklinjao pomazanika Jahvina?”
But Abisai the son of Sarvia answering, said: Shall Semei for these words not be put to death, because he cursed the Lord’s anointed?
22 A David odgovori: “Što ja imam s vama, Sarvijini sinovi, te me danas uvodite u napast? Zar bi danas mogao tko biti pogubljen u Izraelu? TÓa sada znam da sam danas opet kralj nad Izraelom.”
And David said: What have I to do with you, ye sons of Sarvia? why are you a satan this day to me? shall there any man be killed this day in Israel? do not I know that this day I am made king over Israel?
23 Tada kralj reče Šimeju: “Nećeš poginuti!” I kralj mu se zakle.
And the king said to Semei: Thou shalt not die. And he swore unto him.
24 I Šaulov sin Meribaal sišao je u susret kralju. On nije njegovao ni svojih nogu ni svojih ruku, nije uređivao svoje brade, nije prao svojih haljina od onoga dana kad je otišao kralj pa sve do dana kad se opet vratio u miru.
And Miphiboseth the son of Saul came down to meet the king, and he had neither washed his feet, nor trimmed his beard: nor washed his garments from the day that the king went out, until the day of his return in peace.
25 Kad je iz Jeruzalema došao u susret kralju, upita ga kralj: “Zašto nisi pošao sa mnom, Meribaale?”
And when he met the king at Jerusalem, the king said to him: Why camest thou not with me, Miphiboseth?
26 A on odgovori: “Kralju gospodaru! Moj me sluga prevario. Tvoj mu je sluga rekao: 'Osamari mi magaricu da je uzjašem i pođem s kraljem!' Jer tvoj je sluga hrom.
And he answering, said: My lord, O king, my servant despised me: for I thy servant spoke to him to saddle me an ass, that I might get on and go with the king: for I thy servant am lame.
27 On je oklevetao tvoga slugu pred mojim gospodarom i kraljem. Ali moj je gospodar i kralj kao Božji anđeo: zato čini što je dobro u tvojim očima.
Moreover he hath also accused me thy servant to thee, my lord the king: but thou my lord the king art as an angel of God, do what pleaseth thee.
28 Jer sav moj očinski dom nije bio drugo zaslužio nego smrt od moga gospodara kralja, a ti si ipak primio svoga slugu među one koji jedu za tvojim stolom. Pa kako još imam pravo tužiti se kralju?”
For all of my father’s house were no better than worthy of death before my lord the king; and thou hast set me thy servant among the guests of thy table: what just complaint therefore have I? or what right to cry any more to the king?
29 A kralj mu odgovori: “Čemu da još duljiš svoj govor? Određujem: ti i Siba podijelite njive!”
Then the king said to him: Why speakest thou any more? what I have said is determined: thou and Siba divide the possessions.
30 Meribaal reče kralju: “Neka uzme i sve, kad se moj gospodar kralj sretno vratio u svoj dom!”
And Miphiboseth answered the king: Yea, let him take all, for as much as my lord the king is returned peaceably into his house.
31 I Barzilaj Gileađanin dođe iz Rogelima i nastavi s kraljem da ga isprati preko Jordana.
Berzellai also the Galaadite coming down from Rogelim, brought the king over the Jordan, being ready also to wait on him beyond the river.
32 Barzilaj bijaše vrlo star, bilo mu je osamdeset godina. Pribavljao je kralju opskrbu dok je boravio u Mahanajimu jer bijaše vrlo imućan čovjek.
Now Berzellai the Galaadite was of a great age, that is to say, fourscore years old, and he provided the king with sustenance when he abode in the camp: for he was a man exceeding rich.
33 Kralj reče Barzilaju: “Pođi sa mnom, ja ću te u tvojim starim danima uzdržavati kod sebe u Jeruzalemu.”
And the king said to Berzellai: Come with me that thou mayest rest secure with me in Jerusalem.
34 A Barzilaj odgovori kralju: “A koliko mi još godina života ostaje da idem s kraljem u Jeruzalem?
And Berzellai said to the king: How many are the days of the years of my life, that I should go up with the king to Jerusalem?
35 Sada mi je osamdeset godina; mogu li još razlikovati što je dobro a što zlo? Može li tvojem sluzi još goditi što jede i pije? Mogu li još slušati glas pjevača i pjevačica? Zašto bi tvoj sluga bio još na teret mome gospodaru kralju?
I am this day fourscore years old, are my senses quick to discern sweet and bitter? or can meat or drink delight thy servant? or can I hear any more the voice of singing men and singing women? why should thy servant be a burden to my lord, the king?
36 Tvoj će sluga još samo prijeći preko Jordana s kraljem, ali zašto bi mi kralj dao takvu nagradu?
I thy servant will go on a little way from the Jordan with thee: I need not this recompense.
37 Dopusti svome sluzi da se vrati, da umrem u svom gradu kod groba svoga oca i svoje majke. Ali evo tvoga sluge Kimhama, neka ide dalje s mojim gospodarom kraljem, pa njemu učini što je dobro u tvojim očima!”
But I beseech thee let thy servant return, and die in my own city, and be buried by the sepulchre of my father, and of my mother. But there is thy servant Chamaam, let him go with thee, my lord, the king, and do to him whatsoever seemeth good to thee.
38 Kralj odgovori: “Neka onda Kimham ide sa mnom dalje, a ja ću mu učiniti što bude tebi drago i što god me zamoliš sve ću mu učiniti za tebe.”
Then the king said to him: Let Chamaam go over with me, and I will do for him whatsoever shall please thee, and all that thou shalt ask of me, thou shalt obtain.
39 Kad je sav narod prešao preko Jordana, prijeđe i kralj, poljubi Barzilaja i blagoslovi ga, potom se ovaj vrati u svoje mjesto.
And when all the people and the king had passed over the Jordan, the king kissed Berzellai, and blessed him: and he returned to his own place.
40 Kralj nastavi put u Gilgal, a Kimham iđaše s njim. Kralja je pratio sav narod Judin i polovina naroda Izraelova.
So the king went on to Galgal, and Chamaam with him. Now all the people of Juda had brought the king over, and only half of the people of Israel were there.
41 Uto svi Izraelci dođu pred kralja i upitaju ga: “Zašto te naša braća Judejci ukradoše i zašto prevedoše preko Jordana našega kralja i njegov dom i sve Davidove ljude s njim?”
Therefore all the men of Israel running together to the king, said to him: Why have our brethren the men of Juda stolen thee away, and have brought the king and his household over the Jordan, and all the men of David with him?
42 A Juda odgovori Izraelu: “Kralj je meni rod. Zašto si se ražestio zbog toga? Jesam li jeo na kraljev račun? Ili sam si što prigrabio?”
And all the men of Juda answered the men of Israel: Because the king is nearer to me: why art thou angry for this matter? have we eaten any thing of the king’s, or have any gifts been given us?
43 Tada Izrael odgovori Judi ovako: “Ja imam deset udjela na kralja i prema tebi ja sam prvorođenac. Zašto si me, dakle, prezreo? Nije li moja riječ bila prva kad je trebalo natrag dovesti moga kralja?” Ali govor Judin bijaše tvrđi od govora Izraelova.
And the men of Israel answered the men of Juda, and said: I have ten parts in the king more than thou, and David belongeth to me more than to thee: why hast thou done me a wrong, and why was it not told me first, that I might bring back my king? And the men of Juda answered more harshly than the men of Israel.

< 2 Samuelova 19 >