< 1 Samuelova 3 >

1 Mladi je Samuel služio Jahvi pod nadzorom Elijevim; u ono vrijeme Jahve je izrijetka govorio ljudima, a viđenja nisu bila česta.
Now the child Samuel ministered to the Lord before Heli, and the word of the Lord was precious in those days, there was no manifest vision.
2 No jednoga je dana Eli ležao u svojoj sobi - oči su njegove počele slabiti te više nije mogao vidjeti -
And it came to pass one day when Heli lay in his place, and his eyes were grown dim, that he could not see:
3 svijećnjak Božji još ne bijaše ugašen i Samuel je spavao u svetištu Jahvinu, ondje gdje je bio Kovčeg Božji.
Before the lamp of God went out, Samuel slept in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was.
4 I Jahve zovnu: “Samuele! Samuele!” A on odgovori: “Evo me!”
And the Lord called Samuel. And he answered: Here am I.
5 I otrča k Eliju i reče: “Evo me! Ti si me zvao!” A Eli reče: “Ja te nisam zvao. Vrati se i spavaj!” I on ode i leže.
And he ran to Heli and said: Here am I: for thou didst call me. He said: I did not call: go back and sleep. And he went and slept.
6 I Jahve opet zovnu: “Samuele! Samuele!” Samuel usta, ode k Eliju i reče: “Evo me! Ti si me zvao!” A Eli odgovori: “Ja te nisam zvao, sine! Vrati se i spavaj!”
And the Lord called Samuel again. And Samuel arose and went to Heli, and said: Here am I: for thou calledst me. He answered: I did not call thee, my son: return and sleep.
7 Samuel još nije poznavao Jahve i još mu nikada ne bijaše objavljena riječ Jahvina.
Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, neither had the word of the Lord been revealed to him.
8 I Jahve zovnu Samuela po treći put. On usta, ode k Eliju i reče: “Evo me! Ti si me zvao!” Sada Eli razumje da je Jahve zvao dječaka.
And the Lord called Samuel again the third time. And he arose up and went to Heli.
9 Zato reče Samuelu: “Idi i lezi; a ako te zovne, ti reci: 'Govori, sluga tvoj sluša.'” I Samuel ode i leže na svoje mjesto.
And said: Here am I: for thou didst call me. Then Heli understood that the Lord called the child, and he said to Samuel: Go, and sleep: and if he shall call thee any more, thou shalt say: Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth. So Samuel went and slept in his place.
10 I dođe Jahve i stade i zovnu kao prije: “Samuele! Samuele!” A Samuel odgovori: “Govori, sluga tvoj sluša.”
And the Lord came and stood: and he called, as he had called the other times: Samuel, Samuel. And Samuel said: Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth.
11 Tada Jahve reče Samuelu: “Evo, učinit ću nešto u Izraelu da će oba uha zujati svakome koji čuje.
And the Lord said to Samuel: Behold I do a thing in Israel: and whosoever shall hear it, both his ears shall tingle.
12 U onaj ću dan ispuniti na Eliju sve što sam rekao za kuću njegovu, od početka do kraja.
In that day I will raise up against Heli all the things I have spoken concerning his house: I will begin, and I will make an end.
13 Ti ćeš mu objaviti da osuđujem kuću njegovu dovijeka; on je znao da njegovi sinovi hule na Boga, a nije ih obuzdao.
For I have foretold unto him, that I will judge his house for ever, for iniquity, because he knew that his sons did wickedly, and did not chastise them.
14 Zato - kunem se domu Elijevu - neće oprati krivicu Elijeva doma nikakve žrtve ni prinosi dovijeka.”
Therefore have I sworn to the house of Heli, that the iniquity of his house shall not be expiated with victims nor offerings for ever.
15 Samuel je spavao do jutra, a onda otvori vrata Doma Jahvina. Samuel se bojao kazati viđenje Eliju.
And Samuel slept till morning, and opened the doors of the house of the Lord. And Samuel feared to tell the vision to Heli.
16 Ali Eli zovnu Samuela govoreći: “Samuele, sine!” A on odgovori: “Evo me!”
Then Heli called Samuel, and said: Samuel, my son. And he answered: Here am I.
17 I on upita: “Kakva je riječ koju ti reče? Nemoj mi zatajiti ništa! Tako ti Bog učinio zlo i dodao ti drugo ako mi zatajiš nešto od onoga što ti je kazao.”
And he asked him: What is the word that the Lord hath spoken to thee? I beseech thee hide it not from me. May God do so and so to thee, and add so and so, if thou hide from me one word of all that were said to thee.
18 Nato mu Samuel pripovjedi sve i ništa ne zataji od njega. A Eli reče: “On je Jahve, neka čini što je dobro u očima njegovim!”
So Samuel told him all the words, and did not hide them from him. And he answered: It is the Lord: let him do what is good in his sight.
19 Samuel je rastao, a Jahve je bio s njim i nije pustio da ijedna od njegovih riječi padne na zemlju.
And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him, and not one of his words fell to the ground.
20 Sav Izrael, od Dana do Beer Šebe, spozna da je Samuel postavljen za proroka Jahvina.
And all Israel from Dan to Bersabee, knew that Samuel was a faithful prophet of the Lord.
21 Jahve se i dalje javljao u Šilu, jer se objavljivao Samuelu, i riječ se Samuelova obraćala svemu Izraelu. (Eli je bio vrlo star, a njegovi su sinovi ustrajali u svome opakom postupku pred Jahvom.)
And the Lord again appeared in Silo, for the Lord revealed himself to Samuel in Silo, according to the word of the Lord. And the word of Samuel came to pass to all Israel.

< 1 Samuelova 3 >