< 1 Samuelova 22 >

1 David ode odande i skloni se u spilju Adulam. A kad su to čula njegova braća i sva njegova obitelj, dođoše onamo da mu se priključe.
David therefore went from thence and fled to the cave of Odollam. And when his brethren, and all his father’s house had heard of it, they went down to him thither;
2 Osim toga skupiše se oko njega svi koji bijahu u nevolji, svi zaduženi, svi nezadovoljni, i on im posta vođom. A bijaše ih oko njega do četiri stotine ljudi.
And all that were in distress and oppressed with debt, and under affliction of mind gathered themselves unto him: and he became their prince, and there were with him about four hundred men.
3 Odande ode David u Mispu u zemlji moapskoj i reče kralju moapskome: “Dopusti da se moj otac i moja mati sklonu kod vas dok ne vidim što će Bog učiniti sa mnom.”
And David departed from thence into Maspha of Moab: and he said to the king of Moab: Let my father and my mother tarry with you, I beseech thee, till I know what God will do for me.
4 I ostavi ih kod kralja moapskoga i oni ostadoše kod njega sve dok David bijaše u skrovištu.
And he left them under the eyes of the king of Moab, and they abode with him all the days that David was in the hold.
5 Ali prorok Gad reče Davidu: “Nemoj ostati u svome skrovištu, nego idi i zađi u zemlju Judinu.” I David ode i zađe u Heretsku šumu.
And Gad the prophet said to David: Abide not in the hold, depart, and go into the land of Juda. And David departed, and came into the forest of Haret.
6 Šaul doznade da se pojavio David s ljudima koji bijahu s njim. Šaul je upravo bio u Gibei; sjedio je pod tamariskom na uzvišici, s kopljem u ruci, a oko njega stajali svi njegovi dvorani.
And Saul heard that David was seen, and the men that were with him. Now whilst Saul abode in Gabaa, and was in the wood, which is by Rama, having his spear in his hand, and all his servants were standing about him,
7 I reče Šaul svojim dvoranima koji stajahu oko njega: “Poslušajte me, sinovi Benjaminovi! Hoće li vam i Jišajev sin svima darovati njive i vinograde? Hoće li vas sve postaviti za tisućnike i stotnike?
He said to his servants that stood about him: Hear me now, ye sons of Jemini: will the son of Isai give everyone of you fields, and vineyards, and make you all tribunes, and centurions:
8 A zašto ste se onda svi urotili protiv mene? Nema nikoga da mi dojavi kad moj sin sklapa savez s Jišajevim sinom, nema nikoga među vama da me požali i da mi otkrije kako je moj sin podjario moga slugu na me, kao što se događa danas.”
That all of you have conspired against me, and there is no one to inform me, especially when even my son hath entered into league with the soil of Isai? There is not one of you that pitieth my case, nor that giveth me any information: because my son hath raised up my servant against me, plotting against me to this day.
9 Tada progovori Doeg Edomac, koji je stajao među Šaulovim dvoranima, i reče: “Ja sam vidio Jišajeva sina kad je došao u Nob k Ahimeleku, Ahitubovu sinu.
And Doeg the Edomite who stood by, and was the chief among the servants of Saul, answering, said: I saw the son of Isai, in Nobe with Achimelech the son of Achitob the priest.
10 Ovaj je zatražio za njega savjet od Jahve i dao mu hrane i predao mu mač Filistejca Golijata.”
And he consulted the Lord for him, and gave him victuals, and gave him the sword of Goliath the Philistine.
11 Šaul nato zapovjedi da pozovu svećenika Ahimeleka, Ahitubova sina, i svu njegovu obitelj, svećenike u Nobu. I dođoše svi pred kralja.
Then the king sent to call for Achimelech the priest the son of Achitob, and all his father’s house, the priests that were in Nobe, and they came all of them to the king.
12 Tada reče Šaul: “Čuj me, Ahitubov sine!” A on odgovori: “Evo me, gospodaru!”
And Saul said to Achimelech: Hear, thou son of Achitob. He answered: Here I am, my lord.
13 A Šaul ga upita: “Zašto ste se urotili protiv mene, ti i Jišajev sin? Ti si mu dao kruha i mač i tražio si za njega savjet od Boga da se digne protiv mene kao neprijatelj, kao što se danas događa.”
And Saul said to him: Why have you conspired against me, thou, and the son of Isai, and thou hast given him bread and a sword, and hast consulted the Lord for him, that he should rise up against me, continuing a traitor to this day.
14 Ahimelek odgovori kralju: “A tko je među svim tvojim slugama ravan Davidu, tako vjeran, uz to kraljev zet, glavar tvoje tjelesne straže, čovjek koji je poštovan u tvojoj kući?
And Achimelech answering the king, said: And who amongst all thy servants is so faithful as David, who is the king’s son in law, and goeth forth at thy bidding, and is honourable in thy house?
15 Zar sam danas prvi put tražio za njega savjet od Boga? Daleko od mene svaka druga misao! Neka kralj ništa ne okrivljuje svoga sluge i sve njegove obitelji, jer sluga njegov nije znao od svega toga ništa!”
Did I begin today to consult the Lord for him? far be this from me: let not the king suspect such a thing against his servant, or any one in all my father’s house: for thy servant knew nothing of this matter, either little or great.
16 Ali kralj odvrati: “Ti ćeš umrijeti, Ahimeleče, ti i sva tvoja obitelj!”
And the king said: Dying thou shalt die, Achimelech, thou and all thy father’s house.
17 I kralj zapovjedi glasonošama koji stajahu oko njega: “Pristupite i pogubite svećenike Jahvine jer su i oni pomogli Davidu: znali su da je na bijegu, a nisu mi to dojavili.” Ali kraljevi stražari ne htjedoše dići ruke na Jahvine svećenike da ih smaknu.
And the king said to the messengers that stood about him: Turn, and kill the priests of the Lord, for their hand is with David, because they knew that he was fled, and they told it not to me. And the king’s servants would not put forth their hands against the priests of the Lord.
18 Tada kralj zapovjedi Doegu: “Pristupi ti i smakni svećenike!” Doeg Edomac pristupi i smaknu svećenike: on pogubi u onaj dan osamdeset i pet ljudi koji su nosili laneni oplećak.
And the king said to Doeg: Turn thou, and fall upon the priests. And Doeg the Edomite turned, and fell upon the priests and slew in that day eighty-five men that wore the linen ephod.
19 I Nob, svećenički grad, pohara oštricom mača, pobivši muškarce i žene, djecu i dojenčad, goveda, magarce i ovce.
And Nobe the city of the priests he smote with the edge of his sword, both men and women, children, and sucklings, and ox and ass, and sheep with the edge of the sword.
20 Izbavio se samo jedan sin Ahimeleka, Ahitubova sina, po imenu Ebjatar i pobjegao k Davidu.
But one of the sons of Achimelech the son of Achitob, whose name was Abiathar, escaped, and fled to David,
21 Ebjatar javi Davidu da je Šaul poklao Jahvine svećenike.
And told him that Saul had slain the priests of the Lord.
22 A David odvrati Ebjataru: “Ja sam već onoga dana kad ondje bijaše Doeg Edomac znao da će on zacijelo javiti to Šaulu! Ja sam kriv za živote tvoga očinskog doma.
And David said to Abiathar: I knew that day when Doeg the Edomite was there, that without doubt he would tell Saul: I have been the occasion of the death of all the souls of thy father’s house.
23 Ostani kod mene, ne boj se: tko bude tražio tvoj život, tražit će moj. Kod mene ćeš biti dobro čuvan.”
Abide thou with me, fear not: for he that seeketh my life, seeketh thy life also, and with me thou shalt be saved.

< 1 Samuelova 22 >