< 詩篇 79 >
A Psalm for Asaph. O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; they have polluted thy holy temple; they have made Jerusalem a storehouse of fruits.
2 天主,異民侵入了您的遺產,褻瀆了您的聖殿,使耶路撒冷覆顛;
They have given the dead bodies of thy servants [to be] food for the birds of the sky, the flesh of thy holy ones for the wild beasts of the earth.
3 並將您眾僕人的屍首,給天空的飛鳥做食物,用您聖徒的肉餵野獸。
They have shed their blood as water, round about Jerusalem; and there was none to bury [them].
4 在耶路撒冷四周血如水流,但出來埋葬的人一個也無。
We are become a reproach to our neighbours, a scorn and derision to them [that are] round about us.
5 我們竟成為我們鄰居的恥辱,作了我們四周的譏諷與玩物。
How long, O Lord? wilt thou be angry for ever? shall thy jealousy burn like fire?
6 上主,您經常發怒,要到何時,您怒燄如火,要到何時?
Pour out thy wrath upon the heathen that have not known thee, and upon the kingdoms which have not called upon thy name.
7 求您向那不承認您的異民,及不呼號您名的列國洩憤,
For they have devoured Jacob, and laid his place waste.
Remember not our old transgressions; let thy tender mercies speedily prevent us; for we are greatly impoverished.
9 求您別向我們追討祖先惡行,以您仁慈速來協助我們,因為我們實在是可憐萬分。天主,我們的救主,為您名的光榮,協助我們,為了您的聖名,寬赦我們的罪過,拯救我們!
Help us, O God our Saviour; for the glory of thy name, O Lord, deliver us; and be merciful to our sins, for thy name's sake.
10 為何讓異民說:他們的天主在哪裡?願我們在異民中能親眼看到您僕人流出的血,要得的酬報!
Lets haply they should say among the heathen, Where is their God? and let the avenging of thy servant's blood that has been shed be known among the heathen before our eyes.
11 願囚徒的哀歎上達您面前,按您手臂的能力解放死犯!
Let the groaning of the prisoners come in before thee; according to the greatness of thine arm preserve the sons of the slain ones.
12 天主,求您將我們四鄰加給您的凌辱,向他們的胸懷裏投以七倍報復!
Repay to our neighbours sevenfold into their bosom their reproach, with which they have reproached thee, O Lord.
13 這樣做您子民做您牧場羊群的我們,能永遠稱謝您,能萬世宣揚您的光榮。
For we are thy people and the sheep of thy pasture; we will give thee thanks for ever; we will declare thy praise throughout all generations.