< 創世記 18 >

1 天正熱的時候,亞巴郎坐在帳幕門口,上主在瑪默勒橡樹林那裏,給他顯現出來。
Againe the Lord appeared vnto him in the plaine of Mamre, as he sate in his tent doore about the heate of the day.
2 他舉目一望,見有三人站在對面。他一見就由帳幕門口跑去迎接他們,俯伏在地,
And he lift vp his eyes, and looked: and lo, three men stoode by him, and when he sawe them, he ranne to meete them from the tent doore, and bowed himselfe to the grounde.
3 說:「我主如果我蒙你垂愛,請不要由你僕人這裏走過去,
And he said, Lord, if I haue now founde fauour in thy sight, goe not, I pray thee, from thy seruant.
4 我叫人拿點水來,洗洗你們的腳,然後在樹下休息休息。
Let a litle water, I pray you, be brought, and wash your feete, and rest your selues vnder the tree.
5 你們既然路過你僕人這裏,等我拿點餅來,吃點點心,然後再走。」他們答說:「就照你所說的做罷! 」
And I will bring a morsell of bread, that you may comfort your hearts, afterward ye shall go your wayes: for therefore are ye come to your seruant. And they said, Do euen as thou hast said.
6 亞巴郎趕快進入帳幕,到撒辣前說:「你快拿三斗細麵,和一和,作些餅。」
Then Abraham made haste into the tent vnto Sarah, and saide, Make ready at once three measures of fine meale: kneade it, and make cakes vpon the hearth.
7 遂又跑到牛群中,選了一頭又嫩又肥的牛犢,交給僕人,要他趕快煮好。
And Abraham ranne to the beastes, and tooke a tender and good calfe, and gaue it to the seruant, who hasted to make it ready.
8 亞巴郎遂拿了凝乳和牛奶,及預備好了的牛犢,擺在他們面前;他們吃的時候,自己在樹下侍候。
And he tooke butter and milke, and the calfe, which he had prepared, and set before them, and stoode himselfe by them vnder the tree, and they did eate.
9 他們對他說:「你的妻子撒辣在那裏﹖」他答說:「在帳幕裏。」
Then they saide to him, Where is Sarah thy wife? And he answered, Beholde, she is in the tent.
10 其中一位說:「明年此時我必回到你這裏,那時,你的妻子撒辣要有一個兒子。」辣其時正在那人背後的帳幕門口竊聽。
And he saide, I will certainely come againe vnto thee according to ye time of life: and loe, Sarah thy wife shall haue a sonne. and Sarah heard in the tent doore, which was behinde him.
11 亞巴郎和撒辣都已年老,年紀很大,而且撒辣的月經早已停止。
(Nowe Abraham and Sarah were old and striken in age, and it ceased to be with Sarah after the maner of women)
12 撒辣遂心裏竊笑說:「現在,我已衰老,同我年老的丈夫,還有這喜事嗎﹖」
Therefore Sarah laughed within her selfe, saying, After I am waxed olde, and my lord also, shall I haue lust?
13 上主對亞巴郎說:「撒辣為什麼笑﹖且說:像我這樣老,真的還能生育﹖
And ye Lord saide vnto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah thus laugh, saying, Shall I certainely beare a childe, which am olde?
14 為上主豈有難事﹖明年這時,我必要回到你這裏,那時撒辣必有一個兒子。」
(Shall any thing be hard to the Lord? at the time appointed will I returne vnto thee, euen according to the time of life, and Sarah shall haue a sonne.)
15 撒辣害怕了,否認說:「我沒有笑。」但是那位說:「不,你實在笑了。」
But Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not: for she was afraide. And he said, It is not so: for thou laughedst.
16 後來那三人由那裏起身,望著索多瑪前行;亞巴郎送他們,也一同前行。
Afterwarde the men did rise vp from thence and looked toward Sodom: and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way.
17 上主說:「我要作的事,豈能瞞著亞巴郎﹖
And the Lord said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I doe,
18 因為他要成為一強大而又興盛的民族,地上所有的民族,都要因他蒙受祝福;
Seeing that Abraham shalbe in deede a great and a mightie nation, and all the nations of the earth shalbe blessed in him?
19 何況我揀選了他,是要他訓令自己的子孫和未來的家族,保持上主的正道,實行公義正道,好使上主能實現他對亞巴郎所許的事。」
For I knowe him that he will commande his sonnes and his houshold after him, that they keepe the way of the Lord, to doe righteousnesse and iudgement, that the Lord may bring vpon Abraham that he hath spoken vnto him.
20 上主於是說:「控告索多瑪和哈摩辣的聲音實在很大,他們的罪惡實在深重!
Then the Lord saide, Because the crie of Sodom and Gomorah is great, and because their sinne is exceeding grieuous,
21 我要下去看看,願意知道:是否他們所行的全如達到我前的呼聲一樣。」
I will goe downe nowe, and see whether they haue done altogether according to that crie which is come vnto me: and if not, that I may knowe.
22 三人中有二人轉身向索多瑪走去;亞巴郎卻仍立在上主面前。
And the men turned thence and went toward Sodom: but Abraham stoode yet before the Lord.
23 亞巴郎近前來說:「你真要將義人同惡人一起消滅嗎﹖
Then Abraham drewe neere, and said, Wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked?
24 假如城中有五十個義人,你還要消滅嗎﹖不為其中的那五十個義人,赦免那地方嗎﹖
If there be fiftie righteous within the citie, wilt thou destroy and not spare the place for the fiftie righteous that are therein?
25 你決不能如此行事,將義人同惡人一併誅滅;將義人如惡人一樣看待,你決不能! 審判全地的主,豈能不行公義﹖」
Be it farre from thee from doing this thing, to slay the righteous with the wicked: and that the righteous should be euen as the wicked, be it farre from thee. shall not the Iudge of all the worlde doe right?
26 上主答說:「假如我在索多瑪城中找出了五十個義人,為了他們我要赦免整個地方。」
And the Lord answered, If I shall finde in Sodom fiftie righteous within the citie, then will I spare all the place for their sakes.
27 亞巴郎接著說:「
Then Abraham answered and said, Behold nowe, I haue begun to speake vnto my Lord, and I am but dust and ashes.
28 我雖只是塵埃灰土,膽敢再對我主說:假如五十個義人中少了五個怎樣﹖你就為了少五個而毀滅全城嗎﹖」他答說:「假如我在那裏找到四十五個,我不毀滅。」
If there shall lacke fiue of fiftie righteous, wilt thou destroy all the citie for fiue? And he saide, If I finde there fiue and fourtie, I will not destroy it.
29 亞巴郎再向他進言說:「假如在那裏找到四十個怎樣﹖」他答說:「為了這四十個我也不做這事。」
And he yet spake to him againe, and saide, What if there shalbe found fourtie there? Then he answered, I will not doe it for fourties sake.
30 亞巴郎說:「求我主且勿動怒,容我再進一言:假如在那裏找到三十個怎樣﹖」他答說:「假如在那裏我找到三十個,我也不做這事。」
Againe he said, Let not my Lord nowe be angry, that I speake, What if thirtie be founde there? Then he saide, I will not doe it, if I finde thirtie there.
31 亞巴郎說:「我再放膽對我主進一言:假如在那裏找到二十個怎樣﹖」他答說:「為了這二十個,我也不毀滅。」
Moreouer he said, Behold, now I haue begonne to speake vnto my Lord, What if twentie be founde there? And he answered, I will not destroy it for twenties sake.
32 亞巴郎求:「求我主且勿動怒,容我最後一次進言:假如在那裏找到十個怎樣﹖」他答說:「為了這十個我也不毀滅。」
Then he saide, Let not my Lord be nowe angrie, and I will speake but this once, What if tenne be found there? And he answered, I will not destroy it for tennes sake.
33 上主向亞巴郎說完話就走了;亞巴郎也回家去了。
And the Lord went his way when he had left communing with Abraham, and Abraham returned vnto his place.

< 創世記 18 >