< 列王紀下 11 >
1 阿哈齊雅的母親阿塔里雅見自己的兒子已死,便起來消滅王室所有的後裔。
When King Ahaziah’s mother Athaliah saw that her son had been killed, she commanded that all the members of Ahaziah’s family [who might become king] must be executed.
2 但約蘭王的女兒,阿哈齊雅的姊姊約舍巴,將阿哈齊雅的兒子約阿士,從被殺的王太子中偷了出來,把他和他的奶媽安置在寢室內,藏了起來,沒有讓阿塔里雅看見:這樣纔沒有被殺。
So Ahaziah’s sons were all about to be murdered. But Jehosheba, who was King Jehoram’s daughter and Ahaziah’s half-sister, took Ahaziah’s [very young] son Joash and hid him and (his nursemaid/the woman who took care of him) in a bedroom [in the temple]. So he was not killed.
3 約阿士和他的奶媽,在上主的殿內隱藏了六年,當時由阿塔里雅主持國政。
He stayed with Jehosheba for six years. All during that time, he remained hidden in the temple, while Athaliah ruled [Judah].
4 第七年,約雅達派人將眾百夫長,加黎人隊長和衛隊長召來,領進上主的殿,與他們立約,在上主殿內起誓,然後引君王的兒子出來與他們相見,
But during the next year, Jehoiada the Supreme Priest summoned the officers who supervised the royal bodyguards and the palace guards. He told them to come to the temple. There he required them to solemnly promise that they would do what he told them to do. And he showed King Ahaziah’s son Joash to them.
5 同時吩咐他們說:「你們應這樣行事,在安息日進宮值班的三分之一,要照例守衛王宮,
He gave them these instructions: “There are three groups of you guards. When one group finishes their work on the Sabbath day, [divide yourselves into] three smaller groups. One group must guard the palace.
6 另三分之一守衛穌爾門,另三分之一把守守衛者的後門;仍照舊值班守衛聖殿。
Another group must guard at the Sur Gate. The other group must guard at the gate behind the other groups.
7 在安息日從上主殿內下班的兩隊,仍應在上主的殿內戒備,
The two groups that are not working on the Sabbath day must guard the temple [to protect little King Joash].
8 各人要手裡拿著武器環繞君王。擅入防線的,即將他殺死;君王出入時,你們要緊隨不離。」
You must stand around the king wherever he goes, with your weapons in your hands. You must kill anyone who comes near you.”
9 百夫長就按照司祭約雅達所吩咐的一切去行,各自帶領在安息日值班,和在安息日下班的士兵,來見司祭約雅達。
The officers [who supervised the guards] did what Jehoiada told them to do. Each one brought to Jehoiada the guards that he supervised—the guards who were just finishing their work and those who were about to start their work on the Sabbath day.
10 司祭便將上主殿內屬達味王的刀槍和盾牌,交給了眾百夫長。
The priest distributed to the commanders of the guards the spears and shields that had belonged to King David, that were kept/stored in the temple.
11 衛兵每人所持武器,自殿右至殿左,面對祭壇和聖殿,環立在君王四周;
Then he commanded all the guards to stand in their positions, each one with his sword in his hand, all around the young king.
12 然後引出太子來,給他加冕,將約書交給他,立他為王,給他傅油,在場民眾都鼓掌歡呼:「君王萬歲! 」
Then he brought Joash out. He put the crown on his head and gave him a scroll on which were written the rules [that the kings needed to obey]. Then he poured some olive oil on Joash’s head and proclaimed that he was now the king. The people all clapped their hands and shouted, “We desire/hope that the king will live for many years!”
13 阿塔里雅聽見民眾叫喊聲,就進上主的殿,到民眾前。
When Athaliah heard the noise that was being made by the guards and the other people, she ran to the temple, where the people were gathered.
14 她一看,見君王照儀式站在高台上,官長和吹號角的,都站在君王兩旁,所有當地人民歡樂吹號;阿塔里雅就撕裂了自己的衣服,喊叫說:「反了,反了! 」
She saw the new king standing there alongside one of the big pillars, which was the place at the temple where the kings usually stood. She saw that he was surrounded by the temple officers and men blowing trumpets, and that the people were shouting joyfully, and [some of] them were also blowing trumpets. She tore her clothes [to show her distress] and shouted, “You are traitors! You have tricked/deceived me!”
15 約雅達司祭即吩咐帶領軍隊的眾百夫長說:「將她從行列中趕出去,凡跟隨她的,都用刀殺死。」原來司祭曾吩咐說:不可在上主的殿內殺她。
Jehoiada [immediately] said, “Kill her, but do not kill her here at the temple of Yahweh! Take her away between two rows of guards. And kill anyone who tries to rescue her!”
16 於是眾人捉住她;當她由馬門進入王宮時,就地將她殺了。
[She tried to flee, but] the guards seized her and took her to the palace, to the place where horses enter the courtyard. They killed her there.
17 此後,約雅達使君王和人民與上主立約,作上主的人民;又使君王與人民立約。
Then Jehoiada made a solemn agreement between the king and the people, that they would always (obey/be faithful to) Yahweh. He also made an agreement requiring the people to be loyal to Joash their king.
18 然後,所有當地人民都到巴耳廟去,將廟拆毀,將祭壇推翻,將神像完全打碎,在祭台前斬了巴耳的司祭瑪堂。司祭約雅達又調派士兵把守上主的殿,
Then all the people of Israel who were there went to the temple of Baal and tore it down. They smashed the altars and the statues of Baal. They also killed Mattan, the priest of Baal, in front of the altars. Jehoiada stationed/put guards at the temple of Yahweh.
19 以後,率領眾百夫長、加黎人、衛兵和所有當地人民,請君王從上主的殿下來,經衛兵門進入王宮,請他坐在王座上。
Then he and the officers of the temple, the officers who supervised the royal bodyguards, and the king’s bodyguards brought the king from the temple to the palace. All the people [followed them]. Joash entered the palace at the Guard Gate and sat down on the throne, [which showed that he was the new king].
20 全國人民都歡樂喜慶,京城也很平靜。至於阿塔里雅,已在王宮用刀殺死。
All the people of Judah rejoiced. And because Athaliah had been killed, the city was quiet/calm.
Joash was seven years old when he became the king [of Judah].