< Zephaniah 1 >

1 Amon chapa Josiah in Judah gam’a lengvai apohlaijin, Pakaiyin hiche thuhi Zephaniah kitipa heng’a ahin sei tai. Zephaniah chu Cushi chapa, Cushi chu Gedaliah chapa, Gedaliah chu Amariah chapa, Amariah chu Hezekiah chapa ahi.
The word of Jehovah, which came to Zephaniah, the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hizkiah, in the days of Josiah, the son of Amon, king of Judah.
2 “Keiman leiset chung’a thil ijakai katheh ngimhel ding ahi”, tin Pakaiyin aseiye.
I will utterly consume all things from the face of the land, saith Jehovah;
3 “Keiman mihem leh gancha katheh ngim ding, chung’a leng vacha ho katheh ngim ding, Twikhanglen’a nga ho jong katheh ngim ding ahi. Migilou jouse abong abaija kalha-a, kaset tup ding, leiset chung’a mihimte kasuhgam ding ahi”, tin Pakaiyin aseiye.
I will consume man and beast; I will consume the birds of heaven, and the fishes of the sea, And the stumbling-blocks with the wicked; And I will cut off man from the face of the land, saith Jehovah.
4 “Keiman kakhut tah’a Judah gam le Jerusalem kasugep ding, chuleh Ba’al doi hou ho jouse, anunung pen geija ka suhgam ding ahi. Keiman milim doi houna thempu ho jouse jong, koiman ageldohkit tahlou ding’a, ka suhmang ding ahi.”
I will stretch out my hand over Judah, And over all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, And I will cut off from this place the residue of Baal, The name of the idol-sacrificers with the priests,
5 Ajeh chu amahon, inting vum’a nisa, lhathah chuleh ahsi ho ahouvun, abohkhup jiuvin ahi. Amaho Pakai nung juiyin akiseijun, ahinlah amaho chu Molech Pathen hou joh ahiuve.
And those who bow themselves on the house-tops to the host of heaven, And those who bow themselves and swear by Jehovah, And also swear by their idol,
6 Pakai nung ajui nauva kon’a nungjam kit ho, Pakai jong hol talouva chuleh dong talou ho chu, ka suhmang soh hel ding ahi.” tin Pakaiyin aseiye.
And those that turn back from Jehovah, And those that seek not Jehovah, nor inquire for him.
7 Hatchungnung Pakai angsung’a thipkhen in um'in, ajeh chu tijat umtah Pakai thutanna nikho chu anaitai. Pakaiyin amite asutu in, kilhaina gantha ding jong agong’e, chuleh aman amiho jong athensotai.
Be silent before the Lord Jehovah! For the day of Jehovah is near; For Jehovah hath prepared a sacrifice; He hath appointed his guests.
8 “Hiche thutanna nikho chuleh, keiman Judah pipuho leh leng chapate ho talen kamatsah ding, chuleh milim doihouna a chon ho jouse jong, abon’a talen kapeh ding ahi” tin Pakaiyin aseiye.
And in the day of the sacrifice of Jehovah it shall come to pass That I will punish the princes and the sons of the king, And all that are clothed with foreign apparel.
9 Henge, milim doihouna kin’a gapang tapou abon’a gotna kapeh ding, chuleh apupa insung dim’a um’a, pumhat leh duha-a thilbol ho jouse, abon’uva talen kamat sah ding ahi.
In that day also will I punish all that leap over the threshold, That fill the houses of their master with violence and deceit.
10 “Hiche nikho niteng chuleh”, Pakai in aseiyin, “Nga kelkot a pat ka ogin kija ding chule khopi ningli jousea kithong soh ding ahi.”
And it shall come to pass in that day, saith Jehovah, That there shall be the noise of a cry from the fish-gate, And of a howling from the other part of the city, And of great destruction from the hills.
11 Keithela touho lunghem in kap’un, ajeh chu kivei mi ho le sumkol vei mi ho kisumang ding ahi.
Howl, ye inhabitants of Maktesh! For all the trafficking people are cut down; All they that bear silver are destroyed.
12 “Meisal kadet’a Jerusalem khopi thimlai jouse kakhol chil ding, chonset muthim noiya touva, Pakaiyin thilse hihen thilpha hileh boldeh ponte, tia sei ho gotna kapeh ding ahi.
And it shall come to pass at that time, That I will search Jerusalem with lamps, And I will punish the men that are settled on their lees; That say in their hearts, “Jehovah doeth neither good nor evil.”
13 Anei agou jouseu kichomdoh jou keiding; A in jouseu ahom keuva kijam soh ding ahi. In thah sa jonguleh, chen thei dehlou diu; Lengpilei lhou jongleu, lengpitwi adonlou diu ahi.
Their substance shall become a spoil, And their houses a desolation; They shall also build houses, but not inhabit them; And shall plant vineyards, but not drink the wine thereof.
14 “Tijat umtah Pakai nikho chu ahung naiye. Genthei lilhon kana nikho, Pasal thahattah jeng jong kana nikho, Hunglhung vahding ahi.
The day of Jehovah is near, the great day; It is near, and hasteth greatly; The day of Jehovah shall resound; Bitterly shall the mighty man cry for help.
15 Hiche nikho, Pakai lungsat kibuhlhah nikho chu – Genthei leh hesoh nasat nikho, Manthah leh ahomkeova um nikho, Muthim leh lunkham lungjin nikho, Muthim lhangkhal le meibol jin nikho,
That day is a day of wrath, A day of distress and anguish, A day of destruction and desolation, A day of darkness and gloominess, A day of clouds and thick darkness,
16 Gal lhangsapna le sumkon kimut nikho, Khopi pal kinokhum leh gal nasataha kisatna nikho hiding ahi!
A day of the trumpet and the war-shout, Against the fenced cities, And against the high towers.
17 Pakai dounaa nachonset jeh uva, Mitcho banga kakimaile sah diu, Na thisan’u leivui laha kasunlhah ding, Chuleh natahsau tol'a among dinga kijam ding ahi.
And I will distress the men, so that they shall walk like the blind, Because they have sinned against Jehovah. And their blood shall be poured out as dust, And their flesh as dung.
18 Pakai lungsat kibuhlhah nikho tengleh na sanauva jong na dangkauva jong na kihuhhing jou lou diu ahi. Pakai lungsat chun leiset jengjong avallhun jeng ding ahi. Aman leiset chung mi jouse asuhmanga asuhbeihel ding ahi.
Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of Jehovah, But by the fire of his indignation shall the whole land be devoured; For destruction, and that a speedy one, will he bring Upon all that dwell in the land.

< Zephaniah 1 >