< La Bu 9 >

1 Pakai kalungthim pumpin nangma thangvah ing-kate. Thil loupi nabol ho hi seiphongle-inge.
“For the leader of the music; to be sung in the manner or with the voice of maidens. To the Benites, or to Ben. A psalm of David.” I will praise thee, O LORD! with my whole heart; I will show forth all thy marvellous works.
2 Nangma jal a kipana a kadimset ding ahi. Namin in vahchoi la sang e, O Pakai Hatchungnung.
I will be glad and rejoice in thee: I will sing praise to thy name, O thou Most High!
3 Nang nahung dindoh teng kagal mite anungjam jiuvin, akiseplhu vin na angsunga athiden jitaove.
All my enemies are turned back; They fall and perish at thy presence.
4 Ajeh chu nangin kadih nalam a thu neitan pehin, navan laltouna’a kon’in thu adih’in nahin tan e.
For thou dost defend my right and my cause; Thou sittest upon the throne, a righteous judge.
5 Nangman namtin vaipi nalethuh in migiloute nasu-mang’in, amin’u tonsot’a din nathai mangtai.
Thou rebukest the nations; Thou destroyest the wicked; Thou blottest out their name for evermore!
6 Melmate chu nangin a-itih’a dingin nasumang in, khopi nasuh mang ho jong tun suhmil’in aumgam-tauve.
The enemy is fallen, —a desolation for ever! Thou, O LORD! hast destroyed their cities; Their memory itself hath perished!
7 Ahinlah Pakai hi tonsot leng ahin, thutanna dingin alaltouna atungdoh’in ahi.
The LORD reigneth for ever; He hath prepared his throne for judgment.
8 Aman leiset hi thudih’a achungthu atan a, namtin vaipi chunga hi dihtah’a vai ahop ding ahi.
He judgeth the world in righteousness; He administereth judgment to the nations with uprightness.
9 Pakaihi bolgentheija umho dinga hoidohna ahin, hahsatna nikho hoa dinga kicholdona kulpi ahi.
Yea, the LORD is a refuge for the oppressed; A refuge in times of trouble.
10 Namin heho jousen nahin tahsan ui, ajeh chu, O Pakai nangin nangma holte chu nadalha ngaipoi.
They who know thy name put their trust in thee; For thou, O LORD! forsakest not them that seek thee!
11 Jerusalem’a vaihom Pakai vahchoinan lasauvin. Suhmil theilou atohdoh ho namtin jah a seiphongun.
Sing praises to the LORD, who reigneth in Zion; Declare his doings among the people!
12 Ajeh chu aman tolthat ho aphu alahjin, panpi beiho apanpin ji. Aman migentheiho kana jong nahsah mon akoijipoi.
As the avenger of blood, he remembereth the distressed; He forgetteth not their complaint.
13 Neikho to teijin O Pakai; eibose teuvin ichan a eisuh genthei u hitam, thina kokhuh a kon’in neiloidoh’in.
“Have pity upon me, [[said I, ]] O LORD! Look upon my affliction through them that hate me; Lift me up from the gates of death:
14 Zion chanu kelkot phunghoa lhangphong tah’a kathangvah theina dingin neihuhdoh’in, chutengleh neihuh doh jal a kakipa thanom ding ahi.
That I may show forth all thy praise in the gates of the daughter of Zion; That I may rejoice in salvation by thee.”
15 Midangho lhahlut nadia asem u kokhuh a chun Namtin vaipi alhalut un, athang kam uva chun amaho keng joh a ohtai.
The nations have sunk into the pit which they made; In the net, which they hid, is their own foot taken.
16 Pakai hi athutan dihna’a kon’in akilangdoh jin: Migilouho vang amaho thang-kamna’a a-ohden jiuvin ahi. (Selah)
Thus it is known that the LORD executeth judgment; The wicked are ensnared in the work of their own hands. [[Stringed instruments. (Pause)
17 Migilouho vang lhankhuh a lhalut untin, hichu Pathen nahsah lou namtin vaipiho chuna vhu got na jong ahi. (Sheol h7585)
The wicked shall be driven into the underworld; Yea, all the nations that forger God. (Sheol h7585)
18 Ahinlah panpi ngaichaho chu nahsahmoa umjom jing loudiu: chule migenthei te kinepna jong tonsot'a suhmil-a umlou ding ahi.
For the poor shall not always be forgotten; The hopes of the afflicted shall not perish for ever.
19 Hungthou vin, O Pakai! Mihemho kinoise sah-hih beh’in! Nangma ginglou namtin vaipi ho chungthu hi tanin!
Arise, O LORD! Let not man prevail; Let the nations be judged by thee!
20 Ama hohi tijatnan lungkham sah’in, O Pakai. Namtin vaipi hi mihem maimai ahiu kihetdoh sah’in.
Strike terror into them, O LORD! Let the nations know that they are but men! (Pause)

< La Bu 9 >