< Malachi 1 >

1 Pakaiyin Malachi mangchan Israelte koma thu athot in ahi.
The prophecy of the word of Jehovah, concerning Israel, by Malachi.
2 Pakaiyin hitin a sei’e, “Keiman nangho ka hingailu jing uve” ati. Ahinlah nanghon nei donbutnuvin “Iti nei ngailutnu ham” natiuve. Pakaiyin Esau chu Jacob sopi hilou ham? Ahinlah keiman Jacob kangailun ahi.
I have loved you, saith Jehovah. But ye say, “Wherein hast thou loved us?” Was not Esau Jacob's brother, saith Jehovah? Yet I loved Jacob,
3 Esau chu ka thet in chuleh keiman a thinglhang gam chu ka suhchai peh helin, agoulona ding gam chu Sialte lhatna neldi gam kaso sahin ahi.
And Esau I hated; And I made his mountains a desolation, And his inheritance to be habitations of the desert.
4 Esau chilhah Edom in hiti hin hinsei jintin, keiho nei suchip deluvin ahi. Ahinlah keihon kaga phah nauva konna kahung kile kituva ka kisem phat kitdiu ahi, atiuve. Hat chungnung Pakai chun hiti hin aseije. “Amahon sapha jong leu keiman ka phetlhah peh diu ahi. Amaho chenna chu mipha lou gam kiti ding chuleh amite’u chu Pakai lunghan jing na mite” kiti ding ahiuve.
Although Edom say, “We are ruined, Yet will we build again the desolate places.” Thus saith Jehovah of hosts: They may build, but I will throw down; And men shall call them “The impious land, The people against whom Jehovah hath indignation forever.”
5 Nanghon a kisuhmang na chu na mit tah uva namu tengule nangin, “Tahbeh in, Pakai loupina hi Israelte gamgi kalpeh a mihon jong amu uve” tin seijin nate.
And your eyes shall see it, and ye shall say, “Great is Jehovah beyond the borders of Israel!”
6 Hatchungnung Pakai chun thempu ho komah hitin aseije. “Chan apa ajabol le, soh in a pakai pa agin ding ahi. Keihi napau le na Pakai pau kahile hoi chi ham nei jabolnau, hoiche ham nei jen nau? Nanghon ka min hi nahsah louvin nabolun ahi! Ahinlah nanghon na seijun kei hon namin nahsah louva kakoi khah um natiu’ve.
A son honoreth his father, And a servant his master; If I, then, be a father, where is mine honor? And if I be a master, where is my fear? Saith Jehovah of hosts to you, ye priests that despise my name. Ye say, “Wherein do we despise thy name?”
7 Nang hon ka maichama an thenglou na toh’un ahinlah nanghon iti danna nangma ka suhboh diu ham? natiuve. Nanghon Pakai maicham jana peh angaipoi natiu chu na suhbohu ahi.
Ye bring polluted food to mine altar. And ye say, “Wherein do we pollute thee?” In that ye say, “The table of Jehovah is contemptible.”
8 Nanghon ganhing mitcho pumgo thilto a nahin to uchu dih mong’a hinam? Chuteng leh nanghon a elbai le a damlou ganhing nato uchu dih mong hinam? Nanghon hitobang ho chu nagam vaipo ho kipa thilpehin gape leu chun a kipah nadiuvem? tin hatchungnung Pakai chun a seijin ahi.
For when ye bring the blind for sacrifice, [[ye say, ]] “It is not evil.” And when ye offer the lame and the sick, [[Ye say, ]] “It is not evil.” Offer it, then, to thy governor; Will he be pleased with thee, Or have regard to thee? Saith Jehovah of hosts.
9 Tun kipat un Pakaiyin nakhotona diuvin tao’un, ahinla hitobang thilpeh chu maichama napeh jingle Pakai chun iti khotona na musah ding ham? tin hatchungnung pen Pakai chun aseije.
And now, I pray you, beseech God to be gracious unto us! Since such things are done by you, Will he have regard to you, Saith Jehovah of hosts?
10 Hiche houin kot hi nangho laha khat pen penin khah chahleu chun kati lheh jeng’e, chuti leh hiche thil thonlou hung kikatdoh ho hi umlou ding ahi. Ajeh chu keima na chunguvah kalung lhaipoi chuleh na thiltou jong ka sanpeh lou diu ahi, tin van sepaite Pakaiyin aseije.
O that some one of you would close the doors, That ye might not kindle the fire upon mine altar in vain! I have no pleasure in you, saith Jehovah of hosts, Neither will I accept an offering at your hand.
11 Ahinlah namdanga kon mipiten jingkah nilhahin vanoi leiset pumpia hin gimnamtwi leh atheng hohi kamin loupina dingin a katdoh jingun kamin hi aloupi sahun chitin namtin laha hin kamin hi choisang in aum in ahi, tin hatchungnung pen Pakaiyin aseijin ahi.
For from the rising of the sun even to the going down of the same My name shall be great among the nations. And in every place shall incense be offered to my name, And a pure offering; For my name shall be great among the nations, Saith Jehovah of hosts.
12 Ahinlah nangho natohdan hin ka min na sumin seuvin ahi. Ajeh chu nanghon Pakai dokhang hi kisuhboh jongle akhoh poi natiuvin thilthenglou pou na hintoh’un ahi.
But ye profane it, In that ye say, “The table of Jehovah is polluted, And what is offered thereon, even its food, is contemptible.”
13 Nanghon, kon Pakai alunglhaisah jou ding ham natiuvin ka thupeh na taitomun ahi, tin hatchungnung pen Pakaiyin aseije “Gel uvin adamlou a elbai chuleh a ki gu doh gancha pou na hin katdoh jiuve, hichu ken iti ka sanpeh ding nahiuvem? tin Pakaiyin aseije”
Ye say also, “Behold, what weariness!” And ye snuff at it, Saith Jehovah of hosts; And ye bring that which is plundered, and lame, and sick, And present it for an offering; Shall I accept it at your hand? Saith Jehovah.
14 Koi hijongleh Pakai kom’a toh dinga kitepna neija aki lomlou joh hintoh chan chu sapsetna chang ding ahi. Chutengleh chitin namtin laha kamin hi mi gin le ja kahithei ding ahi, tin hatchungnung pen Pakai chun a seije.
Cursed be the deceiver, Who hath in his flock a male, And yet voweth and sacrificeth to Jehovah that which is marred; For I am a great king, saith Jehovah of hosts; And my name is terrible among the nations.

< Malachi 1 >