< Hebrews 3 >

1 Tua ahikom, vantung sapna a neipui a thiangtho suapui te awng, sawltak le ka pualak uh Thiampi Sang Christ Jesus thu ngaisun vun;
Therefore, holy brothers, comrades of a heavenly calling, fix your thoughts then upon Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest of our confession.
2 Moses sia Pathian i innkuan theampo tung ah thuman in a om bangma in, Jesus zong ama nasep a pia pa tung ah thuman in om hi.
How faithful he was to the God who appointed him! For while Moses also was faithful in all God’s house,
3 Banghangziam cile inn sate sia inn sang in upatna a tamzawk bangma in, Jesus zong Moses sang in minthanna tamzaw a nga tu kilawm hi, ci ngaisut tu a hihi.
Jesus has been counted worthy of greater glory than Moses, inasmuch as he who has built a house has higher honor than the house itself.
4 Banghangziam cile inn theampo sia mi khatpo i asak a hihi; ahihang Pathian sia na theampo a sa pa a hihi.
For every house has its builder; but he who built the universe is God.
5 Moses sia maisang ah a ki son kik tu nate atu tetti hi tu in, Pathian innkuan theampo tung ah thuman takpi hi;
And Moses indeed was faithful in all his house as a servant, bearing testimony to a witness about to be spoken;
6 Ahihang Christ sia tapa bang in Ama innkuan i tung ah thuman hi; eite zong ki muanna le lametna hang in lungdamna sia a tawp dong khotak in i len le tua innkuan i hihi.
but Christ as a Son in his own house; and we are that house, if we retain the cheerful courage and pride of our hope firm unto the end.
7 Tua ahikom Tha Thiangtho in, tu ni in Ama aw na za uh ahile,
Therefore, as the Holy Spirit says. If you hear God’s voice today,
8 Senneal ngam sung ze-etna ni sung ah Pathian thin-ukna bang in, na thin uh sahsak heak vun:
Continue not to harden your hearts as in the Provocation, On the day of temptation in the wilderness,
9 Na pu le pa te in kum sawmli sung ka nasep te mu a, hong ze-et in, hong sin uh hi.
When your forefathers tried my forbearance And saw my deeds for forty years.
10 Tua ahikom tua suan te tung ah ka thin na hi, amate in ka lampi te he ngawl a; a thinsung uh ah a tawntung in khial tawntung uh hi, ci hi.
For this reason I was sore displeased with that generation, And said, "They are always wandering in their hearts; They have never learned my ways";
11 Tua ahikom amate sia ka tawlngakna sung ah tum ngawl tu hi, ci in ka thin-ukna taw ka kiciam hi.
So I swore in my wrath, "They shall never enter into my rest."
12 Suapui te awng, note zong a nungta Pathian tung pan na tai uh a, up ngawl na thinsung pha ngawl na nei thei ngawl natu uh in kidawm vun.
See to it, brothers, that there shall never be in any one of you an evil and unbelieving heart, manifesting itself in apostasy from the living God.
13 Ahihang mawna i theamna tungtawn in na thinsung uh a sah ngawl natu in, tu ni, a kici hun sung ah nisim khat le khat ki hanthawn tavun.
On the contrary, encourage each other daily, so long as there is a "Today," so that no one of you is hindered by the deceitfulness of sin.
14 Banghangziam cile eite ki muanna ah a kipat pan kipan a tawp dong i kho ahile, Christ taw a neikhawm tu in a kivawt te i hihi;
For we are become comrades of the Christ, if we hold our first title deed firm until the very end.
15 Tuni in Ama aw na za uh le, Pathian i thin-ukna ni bang in, na thin uh sahsak heak vun, ci hi.
In the words of Scripture, Today, if you hear his voice, Do not continue to harden your hearts as at the Provocation.
16 Banghangziam cile amate in a zak zawk uh ciang zong, a thin-uksak te sia Moses tungtawn in Egypt ngam pan a pusuak te theampo hi ngawl hi.
For who were they that heard and yet provoked him? Was it not all who came out of Egypt under the leadership of Moses?
17 Ahihang kum sawmli sung kuate tung a thinna ziam? mawna vawt a, senneal ngam ah puk in a thi te hi ngawl ziam?
And with whom was he grieved for forty years? Was it not with those who had sinned, and whose dead bodies fell in the wilderness?
18 Taciang a kuate tung ah ka tawlngakna sung ah tum ngawl tu nu hi, ci in kiciam ziam, a um ngawl te tung ah hi ngawl ziam?
And to whom did he swear that they should never enter into his rest, if not to those who had proved faithless?
19 Tua ahikom, amate sia up ngawl na hang in tum thei ngawl hi, ci sia i mu hi.
So you see that it was through unbelief that they were not able to enter in.

< Hebrews 3 >