< Lampahnah 30 >

1 Moses loh Israel ca rhoek koca kah boeilu rhoek te a voek tih BOEIPA loh a uen bangla ol he a thui pah.
And Moses speaketh unto the heads of the tribes of the sons of Israel, saying, 'This [is] the thing which Jehovah hath commanded:
2 Tongpa he BOEIPA taengah olcaeng a caeng vaengah khaw, a hinglu dongah rhuikhih te khih ham olhlo a toemngam vaengah khaw a ol te poeih boel saeh. A ka lamloh a thoeng bangla boeih saii saeh.
'When a man voweth a vow to Jehovah, or hath sworn an oath to bind a bond on his soul, he doth not pollute his word; according to all that is going out from his mouth he doth.
3 Huta he BOEIPA taengah olcaeng a caeng tih a camoe ah a napa im kah rhuikhih loh a khih mai ni.
'And when a woman voweth a vow to Jehovah, and hath bound a bond in the house of her father in her youth,
4 A hinglu dongah a khih a olcaeng neh a rhuikhih te a napa loh a yaak dae a napa loh anih te a ngam tak. Te vaengah a olcaeng boeih te cak vetih a hinglu dongah a khih rhuikhih boeih te khaw cak ni.
and her father hath heard her vow, and her bond which she hath bound on her soul, and her father hath kept silent at her, then have all her vows been established, and every bond which she hath bound on her soul is established.
5 A napa loh a yaak hnin ah anih te khaban koinih a olcaeng boeih neh a hinglu dongkah a khih a rhuikhih te cak mahpawh. Te vaeng daengah napa loh anih te a khaban dae BOEIPA loh anih te khodawk a ngai ni.
'And if her father hath disallowed her in the day of his hearing, none of her vows and her bonds which she hath bound on her soul is established, and Jehovah is propitious to her, for her father hath disallowed her.
6 A va taengah om khaw om mai tih amah sokah a olcaeng neh a hmuilai kah olhlo te a hinglu dongah a khih khaming.
'And if she be at all to a husband, and her vows [are] on her, or a wrongful utterance [on] her lips, which she hath bound on her soul,
7 Te vaengah a va loh a yaak tih a yaak hnin ah pataeng anih te hil a phah tak atah a olcaeng te cak vetih a hinglu dongah a khih a rhuikhih te cak ni.
and her husband hath heard, and in the day of his hearing, he hath kept silent at her, then have her vows been established, and her bonds which she hath bound on her soul are established.
8 Tedae a va loh a yaak hnin ah anih te a khaban khaming. Te vaengah amah sokah a olcaeng neh a hinglu dongah a khih a hmuilai kah olhlo khaw a phae coeng dongah BOEIPA loh anih te khodawk a ngai ni.
'And if in the day of her husband's hearing he disalloweth her, then he hath broken her vow which [is] on her, and the wrongful utterance of her lips which she hath bound on her soul, and Jehovah is propitious to her.
9 Nuhmai olcaeng neh vama kah a hinglu dongah a khih boeih boeih tah amah soah pai ni.
'As to the vow of a widow or cast-out woman, all that she hath bound on her soul is established on her.
10 A va im kah a caeng mai akhaw, olhlo lamloh a hinglu dongah rhuikhih a khih akhaw,
'And if [in] the house of her husband she hath vowed, or hath bound a bond on her soul with an oath,
11 A va loh a yaak vaengah a taengah hil a phah tih anih khaban pawt daengah ni a olcaeng boeih cak vetih a hinglu dongah a khih a rhuikhih boeih khaw a cak eh.
and her husband hath heard, and hath kept silent at her — he hath not disallowed her — then have all her vows been established, and every bond which she hath bound on her soul is established.
12 A va loh a yaak hnin ah te te a phae, a phae tih a hmuilai kah aka thoeng boeih, a olcaeng khaw, a hinglu dongkah rhuikhih khaw cak sak mai mahpawh. Te rhoek te a va loh a phae dongah BOEIPA loh huta te khodawk a ngai ni.
'And if her husband doth certainly break them in the day of his hearing, none of the outgoing of her lips concerning her vows, or concerning the bond of her soul, is established — her husband hath broken them — and Jehovah is propitious to her.
13 Olcaeng cungkuem neh, hinglu aka phaep ham rhuikhih olhlo cungkuem he a va loh a cak sak mai tih a va loh a phae mai thai.
'Every vow and every oath — a bond to humble a soul — her husband doth establish it, or her husband doth break it;
14 Tedae a taengah a va te a hnin hnin ah a ngam la ngam khaming. A yaak hnin ah pataeng a taengah a ngam dongah huta kah olcaeng boeih te cak tih a sokah a rhuikhih boeih cak.
and if her husband certainly keep silent at her, from day unto day, then he hath established all her vows, or all her bonds which [are] upon her; he hath established them, for he hath kept silent at her in the day of his hearing;
15 A yaak neh te te a phae la a phae atah huta kah amah loh thaesainah te phueih saeh.
and if he doth at all break them after his hearing, then he hath borne her iniquity.'
16 He oltlueh he tongpa laklo neh a yuu taengkah ham, pa laklo a camoe kah a napa im ah aka om a canu ham BOEIPA loh Moses te a uen pah.
These [are] the statutes which Jehovah hath commanded Moses between a man and his wife, between a father and his daughter, in her youth, [in] the house of her father.

< Lampahnah 30 >