< Isaiah 64 >

1 Hmai neh thingpaem a hlae tih hmai loh tui a tlawk sak bangla na rhal rhoek taengah na ming ming sak ham ni,
“Oh, if you had split open the heavens and come down! The mountains would have shaken at your presence,
2 na mikhmuh ah namtom rhoek khaw tlai uh ni.
as when fire kindles the brushwood, or the fire makes water boil. Oh, that your name would be known by your adversaries, that the nations would tremble at your presence!
3 Ka lamtawn pawt te a rhih om la na saii vaengah tlang rhoek na mikhmuh ah na suntlak sak tih moelh uh.
Previously, when you did marvelous things that we had not expected, you came down, and the mountains trembled at your presence.
4 Khosuen lamloh ya uh noek pawt tih, hnakaeng uh pawh. Amah aka rhingda ham a saii namah phoeikah Pathen ti he mik loh ana hmuh moenih.
Since ancient times no one has heard or perceived, nor eye seen any God besides you, who does things for him who waits for him.
5 Aka ngaingaih tih na longpuei ah duengnah a saii neh nang aka poek rhoek te na doo. Nang khaw na thintoek coeng te. Tedae amih soah kumhal n'tholh dongah n'khang venim.
You come to help those who rejoice in doing what is right, those who call to mind your ways and obey them. You were angry when we sinned. In your ways we will always be rescued.
6 Kaimih boeih he rhalawt la ka om uh tih kaimih kah duengnah boeih he pumbuk hni bangla om. Kaimih boeih he hawn bangla ka hoo uh tih kaimih thaesainah loh khohli bangla kaimih n'yawn.
For we have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a menstrual rag. We have all withered like leaves; our iniquities, like the wind, carry us away.
7 Na ming aka khue ham neh nang saicin ham aka haeng khaw om pawh. Kaimih lamloh na maelhmai na thuh tih kaimih kah thaesainah kut ah kaimih nan paci sak.
There are none who calls on your name, who makes an effort to take hold of you. For you have hidden your face from us and made us waste away in the hand of our iniquities.
8 Yahovah namah he kaimih napa ni. Kaimih he amlai ni, kaimih aka hlinsai khaw namah ni. Kaimih boeih he na kut kah a bitat ni.
Yet, Yahweh, you are our father; we are the clay. You are our potter; and we all are the work of your hand.
9 BOEIPA na thin bahoeng toek sak aih boeh. Thaesainah khaw a yoeyah la poek boeh. Kaimih na pilnam boeih n'paelki laeh he.
Be not too angry, Yahweh, nor always call to mind against us our sins. Please look at us all, your people.
10 Namah kah khopuei cim rhoek te khosoek la poeh coeng. Zion khaw khosoek la Jerusalem khopong la poeh.
Your holy cities have become a wilderness; Zion has become a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation.
11 Kaimih kah im cim neh kaimih kah boeimang, a pa rhoek loh nang thangthennah te hmai dongah ungkhang la poeh tih kaimih kah ngailaemnah boeih khaw imrhong la om.
Our holy and beautiful temple, where our fathers praised you, has been destroyed by fire, and all that was so dear is in ruins.
12 Te lalah khaw na thiim uh venim? BOEIPA nim na ngam vetih kaimih mat nan phaep aih veh.
How can you still hold back, Yahweh? How can you remain silent and continue to humiliate us?”

< Isaiah 64 >