< Псалми 105 >

1 Славословете Господа; призовавайте името Му; Възвестявайте между племената делата Му.
O give praise to the Lord; give honour to his name, talking of his doings among the peoples.
2 Пейте Му, славословете Го; Говорете за всичките Му чудесни дела.
Let your voice be sounding in songs and melody; let all your thoughts be of the wonder of his works.
3 Хвалете се с Неговото свето име; Нека се весели сърцето на ония, които търсят Господа.
Have glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who are searching after the Lord be glad.
4 Търсете Господа и Неговата сила; Търсете лицето Му винаги.
Let your search be for the Lord and for his strength; let your hearts ever be turned to him.
5 Помнете чудесните дела, които е извършил. Знаменията Му и съдбите на устата Му,
Keep in mind the great works which he has done; his wonders, and the decisions of his mouth;
6 Вие потомци на слугата Му Авраама, Чада Яковови, Негови избрани.
O you seed of Abraham, his servant, you children of Jacob, his loved ones.
7 Той е Господ нашият Бог, Чиито съдби са по цялата земя.
He is the Lord our God: he is judge of all the earth.
8 Всякога помни завета Си; Словото е заповядал да стои за хиляда поколения,
He has kept his agreement in mind for ever, the word which he gave for a thousand generations;
9 Което изговори на Авраама, И клетвата, с която се закле на Исаака,
The agreement which he made with Abraham, and his oath to Isaac;
10 Която утвърди на Якова за закон, На Израиля за вечен завет.
And he gave it to Jacob for a law, and to Israel for an eternal agreement;
11 Като рече: На тебе ще дам Ханаанската земя За дял на наследството ви.
Saying, To you will I give the land of Canaan, the measured line of your heritage:
12 Когато те бяха още малко на брой Да! малцина и пришелци в нея,
When they were still small in number, and strange in the land;
13 И се скитаха от народ в народ, От едно царство в други люде,
When they went about from one nation to another, and from one kingdom to another people.
14 Той не остави никого да им напакости, Дори заради тях изобличи царе,
He would not let anyone do them wrong; he even kept back kings because of them,
15 Като каза: Да не докачите помазаните Ми, И да не сторите зло на пророците Ми
Saying, Put not your hand on those who have been marked with my holy oil, and do my prophets no wrong.
16 После призова глад на земята, Строши всяка подпорка от хляб.
And he took away all food from the land, so that the people were without bread.
17 Изпрати пред тях човека Иосифа, Който бе продаден като роб.
He sent a man before them, even Joseph, who was given as a servant for a price:
18 Стиснаха нозете му с окови; Душата му участвуваше в притискането от желязото,
His feet were fixed in chains; his neck was put in iron bands;
19 Докато дойде време да се изпълни думата му; Защото словото Господно го изпитваше.
Till the time when his word came true; he was tested by the word of the Lord.
20 Царят прати та го развърза, - Управителят на племена, - та го освободи.
The king sent men to take off his chains; even the ruler of the people, who let him go free.
21 Постави го господар на дома си, И управител на всичкия си имот,
He made him lord of his house, and ruler over everything he had;
22 За да връзва първенците му по волята си, И да поучава старейшините му на мъдрост.
To give his chiefs teaching at his pleasure, and so that his law-givers might get wisdom from him.
23 Тогава Израил дойде в Египет, Да! Яков се пресели в Хамовата земя;
Then Israel came into Egypt, and Jacob was living in the land of Ham.
24 Гдето Господ умножи людете Си много, И направи го по-силен от противниците им.
And his people were greatly increased, and became stronger than those who were against them.
25 Обърна сърцето им да мразят людете Му. Да постъпват коварно със слугите Му
Their hearts were turned to hate against his people, so that they made secret designs against them.
26 Прати слугата Си Моисея, И Аарона, когото бе избрал.
He sent Moses, his servant, and Aaron, the man of his selection.
27 Които извършиха всред тях знаменията Му И чудесата Му в Хамовата земя.
He let his signs be seen among the people, and his wonders in the land of Ham.
28 Той изпрати тъмнина и причини мрак, Дано не се възпротивят на думите Му.
He sent black night and made it dark; and they did not go against his word.
29 Превърна водите им в кръв, И измори рибите им.
At his word their waters were turned to blood, and he sent death on all their fish.
30 Земята им кипна с жаби Дори до вътрешните стаи на царете им.
Their land was full of frogs, even in the rooms of the king.
31 Той рече, и дойдоха рояци мухи, И въшки по всичките им предели.
He gave the word, and there came the dog-fly, and insects over all the land.
32 Даде им град вместо дъжд, И пламенен огън в земята им.
He gave them ice for rain, and flaming fire in their land.
33 Порази тъй също лозята им и смоковниците им, И изпочупи всичките дървета в пределите им.
He gave their vines and their fig-trees to destruction, and the trees of their land were broken down.
34 Рече, та дойдоха скакалци И безчислени гъсеници,
At his word the locusts came, and young locusts more than might be numbered,
35 Които изпоядоха всичката трева по земята им; И изпоядоха плода на нивите им.
And put an end to all the plants of their land, taking all the fruit of the earth for food.
36 Порази и всичките първородни в земята им, Първака на силата на всички тях.
He put to death the first child of every family in the land, the first-fruits of their strength.
37 И изведе людете Си със сребро и злато; И нямаше ни един между племената им, който се спъваше по пътя.
He took his people out with silver and gold: there was not one feeble person among them.
38 Развесели се Египет, когато си излязоха; Защото страх от тях бе го нападнал.
Egypt was glad when they went; for the fear of them had come down on them.
39 Разпростря облак да ги покрива. И огън да им свети нощем.
A cloud was stretched over them for a cover; and he sent fire to give light in the night.
40 Те поискаха и Той им докара пъдпъдъци, И с небесния хляб ги насити.
At the people's request he sent birds, and gave them the bread of heaven for food.
41 Разцепи канарата, и бликнаха води, Потекоха в безводните места като река.
His hand made the rock open, and the waters came streaming out; they went down through the dry places like a river.
42 Защото си припомни Своето свето обещание Към слугата Си Авраама.
For he kept in mind his holy word, and Abraham, his servant.
43 Така изведе людете Си с веселие, Избраните Си с пеене.
And he took his people out with joy, the men of his selection with glad cries:
44 Даде им земите на народите; И те усвоиха плода за който племената бяха се трудили.
And gave them the lands of the nations; and they took the work of the peoples for a heritage;
45 За да пазят Неговите повеления, И да изпълняват законите Му. Алилуя.
So that they might keep his orders, and be true to his laws. Give praise to the Lord.

< Псалми 105 >